GenKetsuRyu / FT_Sensor

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FT-300 Sensor

Basic Specification

Device Name FT-300 Sensor
Input Voltage Range from 5 V to 24 V (DC)
Maximum Power Comsumption 2 W
Sensing Range from -300 N to +300 N

*Warning: In order to avoid damaging the sensor, input voltage which over 26 V (DC) is strictly prohibited.

Testing FT-300 Sensor on Ubuntu Linux environment

Envronment Setting (first time)

  1. clone this repo

  2. setup driver

$ cd /src/robotiq_force_torque_sensor/tools/FT_sensor/FT-300_dev_package_SDP-1.0.1_20180328/robotiq_ft_sensor_dev_v1.0.1/driver

$ make linux

3. Access to the virtual serial port and add the username to the group dialout  (**Superuser** mode is required before using this command )

$ sudo su

$ usermod -a -G dialout [your_username]
  1. After all above commands have been done, it is required to Logout and re-Login the session in order to activate the group change

  2. (optional) You can check the usermod status by using following comannd:

$ sudo su # Usermod must be opened by superuser mode.

$ usermod -a -G dialout $[your_username]

$ exit # Use "exit" to close superuser mode after your checks have done.
  1. (optional) Test if env setting success or not
    • the torque will display on terminal (value are without calibration)
      1. Power on your sensor according to Basic Specification above,
      1. make sure your power supply is in the input voltage range.
      1. connect your sensor to the PC using RS485-USB converter.
        $ ls -l /dev | grep ttyUSB
      1. Open a terminal and using the following comand to start the testing for check the connection:
        $ cd <ros_ws>/src/robotiq_force_torque_sensor/tools/FT_sensor/FT-300_dev_package_SDP-1.0.1_20180328/robotiq_ft_sensor_dev_v1.0.1/driver/Linux/bin

$ ./driverSensor

## Setup ROS Package 

1. make package
$ cd <ros_ws>

$ . devel/setup.bash

$ catkin_make robotiq_force_torque_sensor_generate_messages

$ catkin_make
  1. (optional) Make sure that you have already accessed to the virtual serial port:
$ sudo su

$ usermod -a -G dialout [your_username]
  1. (optional) Logout and re-Login the session to activate your change

  2. run ROS package:

$ roscore
  1. Open a new Terminal by ctrl+shift+T, Starting your sensor on ROS:
$ . devel/setup.bash

$ rosrun robotiq_force_torque_sensor rq_sensor
  1. Get torque value (Open another Terminal by ctrl+shift)::
$ . devel/setup.bash

$ rosrun robotiq_force_torque_sensor rq_test_sensor

*Warning: Any node execution shoud use ". devel/setup.bash" respectively in order to source the Catkin workspace

Calibration (for windows user)

  1. Download the calibration software Visual Demo Software on Windows environment

  2. follow the Steps below to compelete your sensor calibration:

    Step 1: Open the Software

    Step 2: go to "Calibration"

    Setp 3: Setup the FT Sensor on your development environment (ex: manipulator)

    Step 4: Press "Lock Image" buttom to start the calibration

    Step 5: Point the direction X, Y and Z of sensor downward below and press the relative calibration buttoms respectively

    Step 6: After finishng all the calibration procedure, go to "Sensor Data" and check your results

reference :

[1] officail ros package:

[2] official ip (Visual Demo Software):

[3] official document: