Generade-nl / EelSeeds

Scripts used to extract seeds for the European eel genome assembly
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Selecting seeds for TULIP from Illumina reads

For the eel genome assembly, we used Illumina data as seed sequences for TULIP. The criteria we used are a relaxed 'not too repetitive', as the point is mainly to eliminate seeds that will have many connections in the seed graph. Although TULIP will at some point recongize such tangles, it will first try to resolve the local structure into a linear scaffold, which simply takes a lot of time and contributes nothing to the final assembly. So, better to get rid of these sequences beforehand.

There are probably many ways to select non-repetitive content. For the eel, we used FLASh to merge 2x150 bp reads, Jellyfish to count 25-mers, and two custom scripts to filter out merged reads that do not contain highly abundant 25-mers:

  1. K-mer counting

    jellyfish count -m 25 -t 4 -s 200M -C -o jf  Anguilla_anguilla_PE280_NoIndex_L005_R1_001.fastq Anguilla_anguilla_PE280_NoIndex_L005_R2_001.fastq 
    jellyfish dump -c -t -L 25 jf > anguilla_jellyfish_25L25.dump
    head anguilla_jellyfish_25L25.dump 

  2. Merging

    flash Anguilla_anguilla_PE280_NoIndex_L005_R1_001.fastq  Anguilla_anguilla_PE280_NoIndex_L005_R2_001.fastq --threads 1 --min-overlap 15 --max-overlap 200 --max-mismatch-density=0.1 --output-prefix=Anguilla_anguilla_15FLASh


    [FLASH]     Total pairs:       39,321,964
    [FLASH]     Combined pairs:    11,466,259
    [FLASH]     Uncombined pairs:  27,855,705
    [FLASH]     Percent combined:  29.16%

  3. Merged pair selection

    perl ./selectMergedEelReads.perl Anguilla_anguilla_15FLASh.extendedFrags.fastq anguilla_jellyfish_25L25.dump 150 25 0

    Minimum length 150
    Suspect k-mers occur 25+ times
    0% suspect k-mers allowed

    11,597,761 kmers indexed
    6,767,726 reads approved out of 11,449,623

  4. Select sequences of identical length (note: hardcoded lengths 270, 275, 280, 285)

    perl ./binLongEelReads.perl Anguilla_anguilla_15FLASh.extendedFrags.fastq_150_25_0.fasta 
    length 270  5,019,778 (subsets used with TULIP)
    length 275  3,932,744
    length 280  2,485,298
    length 285    873,058 (used with TULIP)