GeneralEmbeddedCLibraries / boot

Bootloader implementation in C code for general use in embedded systems.
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Bootloader implementation in C code for general use in embedded systems.

Main features of bootloader:

Bootloader Interface

Bootloader has custom, lightweight and pyhsical layer agnostics communication interface. Detailed specifications of interface can be found in Bootloader_Interface_Specifications.xlsx.

Bootloader Sequence

Bootloader<->Application Communication

Bootloader and application data exchange takes over special RAM section defined as non-initialized aka. .noinit section.

Following data is being exhange between bootloader and application:

  1. Boot reason: Booting reason, to tell bootloader what actions shall be taken, either loading new image via PC or external FLASH, or just jump to application
  2. Boot counter: Safety/Reliablity counter that gets incerement on each boot by bootloader and later cleared by application after couple of minutes of stable operation

Shared memory space V1 is 32 bytes in size with following data structure:

Setup linker script for common shared memory between bootloader and application by first defining new memory inside RAM called SHARED_MEM region:

/* Memories definition */
  RAM           (xrw)       : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 128K - 0x20

  /* Reserve SHARED_MEM memory region at the end of RAM */
  /* Region is used for app<->boot inteface and it is 32 bytes in size */
  SHARED_MEM    (rw)        : ORIGIN = 0x20000000 + 128K - 0x20, LENGTH = 0x20

  /** Bootloader flash memory space */
  BOOT_FLASH    (rx)        : ORIGIN = 0x08000000, LENGTH = 32K

  /** Application flash memory space */
  APP_FLASH     (rx)        : ORIGIN = 0x08008000, LENGTH = 512K-32K

Afterwards a shared_mem section needs to be defined that will fill in symbols to SHARED_MEM space:

/* No init section for app<->boot interface */
.noinit (NOLOAD):
/* place all symbols in input sections that start with .shared_mem */
} > SHARED_MEM    

Change bootloader configuration for shared memory linker directive according to defined section in linker file inside boot_cfg.h:

 *  Shared memory section directive for linker
#define __BOOT_CFG_SHARED_MEM__                 __attribute__((section(".shared_mem")))

More info about no-init memory:

Validation of new application image

Bootloader support up to four different validation criteria for new application before update process can initiate:

  1. Application size check
  2. Application SW compatibility check
  3. Application HW compatibility check
  4. Downgrade protection

1. Application size check

Bootloader can check if new application will fit into reserved application flash by defining maximum application size and enabling app size check.

Firmware size check configuration in boot_cfg.h:

 *      Complete (maximum) application size
 *  Unit: byte
#define BOOT_CFG_APP_SIZE                       (( 512U - 32U ) * 1024U )

 *      Enable/Disable new firmware size check
 * @note    At prepare command bootloader will check if new firmware app
 *          can be fitted into "BOOT_CFG_APP_SIZE" space, if that macro
 *          is enabled!
#define BOOT_CFG_FW_SIZE_CHECK_EN              ( 1 )

2. Aplication SW version compatibility check

New application SW version compatibility can be checked if module is configurted to do so:

Firmware compatibility configuration in boot_cfg.h:

 *      Enable/Disable new firmware version compatibility check
#define BOOT_CFG_FW_VER_CHECK_EN               ( 0 )

 *      New firmware compatibility value
 *  @note   New firmware version is compatible up to
 *          version specified in following defines.
    #define BOOT_CFG_FW_VER_MAJOR               ( 1 )
    #define BOOT_CFG_FW_VER_MINOR               ( 0 )
    #define BOOT_CFG_FW_VER_DEVELOP             ( 0 )
    #define BOOT_CFG_FW_VER_TEST                ( 0 )

 *      Enable/Disable firmware downgrade
 * @note    At prepare command bootloader will check if new firmware app
 *          has higher version than current, if that macro is enabled!
#define BOOT_CFG_FW_DOWNGRADE_EN                ( 0 )

3. New aplication HW version compatibility check

Bootloader can check for hardware compatibility with new application image and can prevent uploading of application if not suitable for given HW version of the system. Each application image shall have a HW version embedded into application header and that information is then used to check for HW compatibility.

Hardware compatibility configuration in boot_cfg.h:

 *      Enable/Disable new firmware version compatibility check
#define BOOT_CFG_HW_VER_CHECK_EN                ( 0 )

 *      New firmware hardware compatibility value
 *  @note   New firmware hardware version is compatible up to
 *          version specified in following defines.
    #define BOOT_CFG_HW_VER_MAJOR               ( 1 )
    #define BOOT_CFG_HW_VER_MINOR               ( 0 )
    #define BOOT_CFG_HW_VER_DEVELOP             ( 0 )
    #define BOOT_CFG_HW_VER_TEST                ( 0 )

4. Downgrade protection

Bootloader can detect & prevent upgrading with older application as it currently running by enabling BOOT_CFG_FW_DOWNGRADE_EN.

Downgrade enable/disable configuration in boot_cfg.h:

 *      Enable/Disable firmware downgrade
 * @note    At prepare command bootloader will check if new firmware app
 *          has higher version than current, if that macro is enabled!
#define BOOT_CFG_FW_DOWNGRADE_EN                ( 1 )

Catching reboot loops

In order to prevent repetative re-booting of corrupted application, bootloader can be configured to detect such an anomaly. This is done with following logic:

  1. On boot, the bootloader increments a boot counter (boot counter is part of a shared memory),
  2. After the application has been validated as stable (depends on validation criteria, e.g. 1 minute of working), the application resets the counter to 0,
  3. If the counter gets to configured limit (via BOOT_CFG_BOOT_CNT_LIMIT), the bootloader does not start the app and wait for new application

Configuring boot counter in boot_cfg.h:

 *      Enable/Disable boot counting check
 * @note    Boot count is safety mechanism build into bootloader
 *          in order to detect malfunctional application!
#define BOOT_CFG_APP_BOOT_CNT_CHECK_EN          ( 0 )

 *      Boot counts limit
 *  @note   After boot count reaches that limit it will
 *          not enter application! Bootloader will declare
 *          a faulty app and will request new application!
    #define BOOT_CFG_BOOT_CNT_LIMIT               ( 5 )

Back-door entry to bootloader

Back-door entry to bootloader is implemented as simple waiting for "Connect" command from Bootloader Manager (typical PC application). This safety mechanism enables entering bootloader at power-on or reset event, in case application is corrupted and thus prevents entering bootloader from application.

Configuration of back-door entry to bootloader in boot_cfg.h:

 *      Bootloader back-door entry timeout
 * @note    Wait specified amount of time before entering application
 *          code at bootloader startup if application is validated OK.
 *          To disable waiting set to timeout to 0.
 *  Unit: ms
#define BOOT_CFG_WAIT_AT_STARTUP_MS             ( 100U )

Jump to application timeout

In case program ends up in bootloader with no requests from Bootloader Manager (PC app) and there is a valid application, it will timeout and start the application.

Configuration of idle timeout in boot_cfg.h:

 *  Jump to application (if valid) if communication idle
 *  for more than this value of timeout
 *  Unit: ms
#define BOOT_CFG_JUMP_TO_APP_TIMEOUT_MS         ( 5000U )

Application firmware image cryptography

One of the purposes for firmware image cryption is to prevent:

Firmware upgrade procedure using crypted image is shown below:

In case application image is encrypted, bootloader must first decrypt it and then store to the internal flash. To use encrytpion option enable crypto switch in boot_cfg.h:

 *  Enable/Disable firmware binary encryption
#define BOOT_CFG_CRYPTION_EN                    ( 1 )

After that, cryptographic library needs to be initilized and that must be done in boot_if.c. Example of using STM32 CMOX:

 *  AES CTR context handle
static cmox_ctr_handle_t g_ctr_ctx = {0};

 *  AES cipher context handle
static cmox_cipher_handle_t * gp_cipher_ctx = NULL;

 *  AES CTR Encryption Key
static const uint8_t gu8_key[] = { 0x2b, 0x7e, 0x15, 0x16, 0x28, 0xae, 0xd2, 0xa6, 0xab, 0xf7, 0x15, 0x88, 0x09, 0xcf, 0x4f, 0x3c };

 *  AES CTR Initial Vector (IV) Key
static const uint8_t gu8_iv[] = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f };

*       Initialize cryptographic library
* @return       status  - Status of operation
static boot_status_t bool_if_crypto_init(void)
  boot_status_t status = eBOOT_OK;

  // Initialize cryptographic library
  if ( CMOX_INIT_SUCCESS != cmox_initialize( NULL ))
      status = eBOOT_ERROR;

  // Construct a cipher context
  gp_cipher_ctx = cmox_ctr_construct( &g_ctr_ctx, CMOX_AESFAST_CTR_DEC );

  // Check for construction creation
  if ( NULL == gp_cipher_ctx )
      status = eBOOT_ERROR;

  // Initialize the cipher context
  if ( CMOX_CIPHER_SUCCESS != cmox_cipher_init( gp_cipher_ctx ))
      status = eBOOT_ERROR;

  // Setup decryption key
  if ( CMOX_CIPHER_SUCCESS != cmox_cipher_setKey( gp_cipher_ctx, gu8_key, sizeof( gu8_key )))
      status = eBOOT_ERROR;

  // Setup Initilization Vector (IV)
  if ( CMOX_CIPHER_SUCCESS != cmox_cipher_setIV( gp_cipher_ctx, gu8_iv, sizeof( gu8_iv )))
      status = eBOOT_ERROR;

  return status;

Next decryption function needs to be implemented inside boot_if.c. Example:

*       Decrypt flash data received over communication
* @param[in]    p_crypt_data    - Pointer to crypted flash data
* @param[out]   p_decrypt_data  - Pointer to decrypted flash data
* @param[in]    size            - Size of data to decrypt
* @return       void
void boot_if_decrypt_data(const uint8_t * const p_crypt_data, uint8_t * const p_decrypt_data, const uint32_t size)

    (void) cmox_cipher_append( gp_cipher_ctx, p_crypt_data, size, p_decrypt_data, NULL );

    // USER CODE END...

And finaly, cryptographic library reset function must be implemented, also in boot_if.c. Example:

*       Reset cryto engine
* @return       void
void boot_if_decrypt_reset(void)

    //Cleanup the handle
    (void) cmox_cipher_cleanup( gp_cipher_ctx );

    // USER CODE END...

As bootloader expects crypted binary image, plain binary needs to be crypted using the same cryptography method as for decrypting. Following Python snipped provides compatible encryption for given example:

import binascii
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
from Crypto.Util import Counter

# ===============================================================================
# @brief  Crypt plaing data to AES with key and initial vector
# @param[in]    plain_data      - Inputed non-cryptic data
# @return       crypted_data    - Outputed cryptic data
# ===============================================================================
def aes_encode(plain_data):

    # AES Key and IV
    key = b"\x2b\x7e\x15\x16\x28\xae\xd2\xa6\xab\xf7\x15\x88\x09\xcf\x4f\x3c"
    iv = b"\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f"

    # Create cipher
    ctr =, initial_value=int(binascii.hexlify(iv), 16))
    cipher =, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=ctr)

    # Encode
    return cipher.encrypt( bytearray( plain_data ))

NOTICE: Don't forget to change AES Key and Initial Vector (IV) for your end application!


1. Flash memory map

Bootloader expect predefined application binary code as shown in picture. Size of bootloader and application are subject to change to suit SW requirements and are used only for presentation purposes.

2. Application header

Application code must have a Application Header in order to validate data integritiy of image.

3. Revision module

Revision module provides information of application header.

4. FSM module

FSM module provides state transitions and timings spend in each state of bootloader.


1. ARM Cortex-M family

Current implementation of bootloader supports only ARM Cortex-M processor family, as it expects stack pointer to be first 4 bytes of binary file, follow by reset vector.

Picture taken from ARM® Cortex®-M for Beginners: An overview of the ARM Cortex-M processor family and comparison:

General Embedded C Libraries Ecosystem

In order to be part of General Embedded C Libraries Ecosystem this module must be placed in following path:



API Functions Description Prototype
boot_init Initialization of bootloader module boot_status_t boot_init(void)
boot_hndl Handle bootloader module boot_status_t boot_hndl(void)
boot_get_state Get current bootlaoder state boot_state_t boot_get_state(void)
boot_shared_mem_get_version Get shared memory version boot_status_t boot_shared_mem_get_version(uint8_t * const p_version)
boot_shared_mem_set_boot_reason Set shared memory boot version boot_status_t boot_shared_mem_set_boot_reason(const boot_reason_t reason)
boot_shared_mem_get_boot_reason Get shared memory boot version boot_status_t boot_shared_mem_get_boot_reason(boot_reason_t * const p_reason)
boot_shared_mem_set_boot_cnt Set shared memory boot counter boot_status_t boot_shared_mem_set_boot_counter(const uint8_t cnt)
boot_shared_mem_get_boot_cnt Get shared memory boot counter boot_status_t boot_shared_mem_get_boot_counter(uint8_t * const p_cnt)


GENERAL NOTICE: Put all user code between sections: USER CODE BEGIN & USER CODE END!

  1. Copy template files to root directory of module.
  2. Configure Boot module for application needs. Configuration options are following:
Configuration Description
BOOT_CFG_APP_HEAD_ADDR Application header address in flash
BOOT_CFG_APP_HEAD_SIZE Application header size in bytes
BOOT_CFG_APP_SIZE Complete (maximum) application size in bytes
BOOT_CFG_FW_SIZE_CHECK_EN Enable/Disable new firmware size check
BOOT_CFG_FW_VER_CHECK_EN Enable/Disable new firmware version compatibility check
BOOT_CFG_FW_VER_MAJOR New firmware compatibility major version
BOOT_CFG_FW_VER_MINOR New firmware compatibility minor version
BOOT_CFG_FW_VER_DEVELOP New firmware compatibility develop version
BOOT_CFG_FW_VER_TEST New firmware compatibility test version
BOOT_CFG_FW_DOWNGRADE_EN Enable/Disable firmware downgrade
BOOT_CFG_HW_VER_CHECK_EN Enable/Disable new firmware version compatibility check
BOOT_CFG_HW_VER_MAJOR New firmware hardware compatibility major version
BOOT_CFG_HW_VER_MINOR New firmware hardware compatibility minor version
BOOT_CFG_HW_VER_DEVELOP New firmware hardware compatibility develop version
BOOT_CFG_HW_VER_TEST New firmware hardware compatibility test version
BOOT_CFG_APP_BOOT_CNT_CHECK_EN Enable/Disable boot counting check
BOOT_CFG_BOOT_CNT_LIMIT Boot counts limit
BOOT_CFG_WAIT_AT_STARTUP_MS Bootloader back-door entry timeout
BOOT_CFG_PREPARE_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS Communication idle timeout time in PREPARE state
BOOT_CFG_FLASH_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS Communication idle timeout time in FLASH DATA state
BOOT_CFG_EXIT_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS Communication idle timeout time in EXIT state
BOOT_CFG_RX_BUF_SIZE Reception buffer size in bytes
BOOT_CFG_DATA_PAYLOAD_SIZE Maximum size of flash data payload command
BOOT_CFG_JUMP_TO_APP_TIMEOUT_MS Jump to app (if valid) timeout time
BOOT_GET_SYSTICK System timetick in 32-bit unsigned integer form
BOOT_CFG_STATIC_ASSERT Static assert definition
BOOT_CFG_WEAK Weak compiler directive
__BOOT_CFG_SHARED_MEM__ Shared memory section directive for linker
BOOT_CFG_CRYPTION_EN Enable/Disable firmware binary encryption
BOOT_CFG_DEBUG_EN Enable/Disable debug mode
BOOT_CFG_ASSERT_EN Enable/Disable assertions
  1. Modify bootloader linker script as described in chapter Bootloader<->Application Communication.

  2. Setup interface files boot_if.c, provide definition for communication interface and flash handling functions.

  3. Initialize bootloader module

    // Init boot
    if ( eBOOT_OK != boot_init())
    // Initialization failed...
  4. Handle bootloader module

    @main loop
    // Handle boot
    (void) boot_hndl();
  5. Preparing application to be bootloadable

    • Specify memory regions in application linker file:
      /* Memories definition */
      RAM           (xrw)       : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 128K - 0x20

    / Reserve SHARED_MEM memory region at the end of RAM / / Region is used for app<->boot inteface and it is 32 bytes in size / SHARED_MEM (rw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000 + 128K - 0x20, LENGTH = 0x20

    /* Bootloader flash memory space / BOOT_FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08000000, LENGTH = 32K

    /* Application flash memory space / APP_HEADER (r) : ORIGIN = 0x08008000, LENGTH = 0x100 APP_FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08008000 + 0x100, LENGTH = 512K -32K - 0x100 }

In sections add following snippet:

  /* No init section for app<->boot interface */
  .noinit (NOLOAD):
    /* place all symbols in input sections that start with .shared_mem */
  } > SHARED_MEM   

  /* Application header section */
  .app_header :
      *(.app_header)                /*Application header */
      *(.app_header*)               /*Application header */
      KEEP (*(.app_header*))
      APP_HEADER_END = .;

NOTE: Linker scripts between application and bootloader shall be alligned!

Example of system_stm32g4xx.c, where using preprocessor symbol __BOOTLOADER_SUPPORT__ to enable offseting:

    #define VECT_TAB_OFFSET     0x0U        /*!< Vector Table base offset field. This value must be a multiple of 0x100. */
    #define VECT_TAB_OFFSET     0x8100U     /**< Offset for bootloader size (32kb=0x8000) and application header (256b=0x100) */

NOTE: Vector table base offset shall be alligned with linker memory settigs!

Use Application Signature Tool to sign binary file.