GeneticAnalysisinBiobanks / GRAB

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'Error: Parameter tau is NA' #6

Open ccyril9501 opened 2 years ago

ccyril9501 commented 2 years ago

Hi Wenjian and Weizhou,

I was using your GRAB package to perform a POLMM on a large cohort, and after several attempts, there always returned an error statement as below:

Error in setPOLMMobjInCPP_NULL(flagSparseGRM, Cova, yVec, beta, bVec, : Parameter tau is NA. Calls: GRAB.NullModel -> fitNullModel.POLMM -> setPOLMMobjInCPP_NULL In addition: Warning message: (-1) Model failed to converge with max|grad| = 2.64409e-05 (tol = 1e-06) In addition: maximum number of consecutive Newton modifications reached

I've tried using sparse GRM, or reduce number of covariates, but it still got the same result, can I have your help on this?


WenjianBI commented 2 years ago

Can you share parts of the log file for me to check it? My current Email is