GeneticAnalysisinBiobanks / GRAB

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Note on 2022-08-26

We make a website for GRAB package: Please check it for more recent update.

Previous README before 2022-08-26

How to install and load this package

Rtools ( should be installed before installing this package.

library(remotes)  # remotes library requires less dependency packages than devtools
install_github("GeneticAnalysisinBiobanks/GRAB", INSTALL_opts=c("--no-multiarch"), ref="main")  # The INSTALL_opts is required in Windows OS.

Replicate the genotype simulation in the package

## Commen Variants with MAF ranging from (0.05, 0.5)
OutList = GRAB.SimuGMat(nSub = 500, nFam = 50, FamMode = "10-members", nSNP = 10000,
                        MaxMAF = 0.5, MinMAF = 0.05)
GenoMat = OutList$GenoMat 
MissingRate = 0.05
indexMissing = sample(length(GenoMat), MissingRate * length(GenoMat))
GenoMat[indexMissing] = -9
extDir = system.file("extdata", package = "GRAB")
extPrefix = paste0(extDir, "/simuPLINK")
GRAB.makePlink(GenoMat, extPrefix)

system("plink --file simuPLINK --make-bed --out simuPLINK")
system("plink --bfile simuPLINK --recode A --out simuRAW")
system("plink2 --bfile simuPLINK --export bgen-1.2 bits=8 ref-first --out simuBGEN  # UK Biobank use 'ref-first'")
system("bgenix -g simuBGEN.bgen -index")

## Rare Variants with MAF ranging from (0.0001, 0.01)
OutList = GRAB.SimuGMat(nSub = 500, nFam = 50, FamMode = "10-members", nSNP = 10000,
                        MaxMAF = 0.01, MinMAF = 0.0001)
GenoMat = OutList$GenoMat 
MissingRate = 0.05
indexMissing = sample(length(GenoMat), MissingRate * length(GenoMat))
GenoMat[indexMissing] = -9
extDir = system.file("extdata", package = "GRAB")
extPrefix = paste0(extDir, "/simuPLINK_RV")
GRAB.makePlink(GenoMat, extPrefix)

system("plink --file simuPLINK_RV --make-bed --out simuPLINK_RV")
system("plink --bfile simuPLINK_RV --recode A --out simuRAW_RV")
system("plink2 --bfile simuPLINK_RV --export bgen-1.2 bits=8 ref-first --out simuBGEN_RV  # UK Biobank use 'ref-first'")
system("bgenix -g simuBGEN_RV.bgen -index")

Replicate the sparse GRM generation in the package

GenoFile = system.file("extdata", "simuPLINK.bed", package = "GRAB")
PlinkFile = tools::file_path_sans_ext(GenoFile)  # remove file extension
nPartsGRM = 2
for(partParallel in 1:nPartsGRM){
  getTempFilesFullGRM(PlinkFile, nPartsGRM, partParallel) # this function only supports Linux
SparseGRMFile = system.file("SparseGRM", "SparseGRM.txt", package = "GRAB")
getSparseGRM(PlinkFile, nPartsGRM, SparseGRMFile)
#            ID1      ID2     Value
#    1:     f1_1     f1_1 0.9591102
#    2:     f1_2     f1_2 1.0227757
#    3:     f1_3     f1_3 1.0278691
#    4:     f1_4     f1_4 1.0138606
#    5:     f1_5     f1_1 0.4640743
#   ---                            
# 2546: Subj-496 Subj-496 1.0031059
# 2547: Subj-497 Subj-497 0.9952855
# 2548: Subj-498 Subj-498 0.9829549
# 2549: Subj-499 Subj-499 1.0086861
# 2550: Subj-500 Subj-500 0.9786987

Replicate the phenotype simulation in the package

FamFile = system.file("extdata", "simuPLINK.fam", package = "GRAB")
FamData = read.table(FamFile)
IID = FamData$V2  # Individual ID
n = length(IID)
## The below is just to demonstrate the functions of GRAB package
Pheno = data.frame(IID = IID, Cova1 = rnorm(n), Cova2 = rbinom(n, 1, 0.5), 
                   binary = rbinom(n, 1, 0.5),
                   ordinal = rbinom(n, 3, 0.3),
                   quantitative = rnorm(n),
                   time = runif(n),
                   event = rbinom(n, 1, 0.2))
PhenoFile = system.file("extdata", "simuPHENO.txt", package = "GRAB")
write.table(Pheno, PhenoFile, row.names = F, quote = F, sep = "\t")

Replicate the regionFile in the package

RegionData = data.frame(REGION = paste0("Region_", rep(1:100,each=100)),
                        MARKER = paste0("SNP_",1:10000),
                        ANNO1 = rbinom(10000, 1, 0.5),
                        ANNO2 = runif(10000))

Step 1: Fit a null model using the sparse GRM and phenotype data

GenoFile = system.file("extdata", "simuPLINK.bed", package = "GRAB")
# GenoFile = system.file("extdata", "simuBGEN.bgen", package = "GRAB")  # BGEN file input is also supported in null model fitting
PhenoFile = system.file("extdata", "simuPHENO.txt", package = "GRAB")
Pheno = read.table(PhenoFile, header = T)
SparseGRMFile = system.file("SparseGRM", "SparseGRM.txt", package = "GRAB")
objNullFile = system.file("results", "objNull.RData", package = "GRAB")

objNull = GRAB.NullModel(as.factor(ordinal) ~ Cova1 + Cova2, 
                         data = Pheno, 
                         subset = (event==0), 
                         subjData = Pheno$IID, 
                         method = "POLMM", 
                         traitType = "ordinal", 
                         GenoFile = GenoFile,
                         SparseGRMFile = SparseGRMFile)

objNull$tau    # 0.5655751

save(objNull, file = objNullFile)

Step 2a: Perform a marker-level association analysis

objNullFile = system.file("results", "objNull.RData", package = "GRAB")

OutputDir = system.file("results", package = "GRAB")
OutputFile = paste0(OutputDir, "/simuMarkerOutput.txt")
GenoFile = system.file("extdata", "simuPLINK.bed", package = "GRAB")

# If 'OutputFile' and 'OutputFileIndex' have existed, users might need to remove them first.
            GenoFile = GenoFile,
            OutputFile = OutputFile)

## Check 'OutputFile' for the analysis results
#           Marker        Info   AltFreq AltCounts MissingRate     Pvalue        beta     seBeta
#     1:     SNP_1     1:1:G:A 0.3934316       587  0.04481434 0.77381083  0.03200175  0.1113516
#     2:     SNP_2     1:2:G:A 0.4561995       677  0.04993598 0.30789980 -0.10816640 -0.1060831
#     3:     SNP_3     1:3:G:A 0.3899329       581  0.04609475 0.77397169  0.03153778  0.1098174
#     4:     SNP_4     1:4:G:A 0.4433834       650  0.06145967 0.33178713  0.10265438  0.1057725
#     5:     SNP_5     1:5:G:A 0.2355705       351  0.04609475 0.59348431  0.06879171  0.1288732
#    ---                                                                                        
#  9996:  SNP_9996  1:9996:G:A 0.3424566       513  0.04097311 0.04678621 -0.21914094 -0.1102191
#  9997:  SNP_9997  1:9997:G:A 0.2686062       397  0.05377721 0.84223235 -0.02476919 -0.1244440
#  9998:  SNP_9998  1:9998:G:A 0.0669344       100  0.04353393 0.75590206 -0.06695376 -0.2153778
#  9999:  SNP_9999  1:9999:G:A 0.2377384       349  0.06017926 0.45544541 -0.09688906 -0.1298141
# 10000: SNP_10000 1:10000:G:A 0.1361186       202  0.04993598 0.37979954 -0.13401746 -0.1525933

# The below is to show some parameters in control list. For more details, please check the Details section in ?GRAB.Marker
            GenoFile = GenoFile,
            OutputFile = OutputFile,
            control = list(nMarkersEachChunk = 1000,
                           ImputeMethod = "mean",
                           MissingRateCutoff = 0.05,
                           MinMAFCutoff = 0.1))

Step 2b: Perform a genome-wide region-level association analysis

objNullFile = system.file("results", "objNull.RData", package = "GRAB")

OutputDir = system.file("results", package = "GRAB")
OutputFile = paste0(OutputDir, "/simuRegionOutput.txt")
GenoFile = system.file("extdata", "simuPLINK_RV.bed", package = "GRAB")
RegionFile = system.file("extdata", "simuRegion.txt", package = "GRAB")
SparseGRMFile = system.file("SparseGRM", "SparseGRM.txt", package = "GRAB")

## make sure the output files does not exist at first
file.remove(paste0(OutputFile, ".markerInfo"))
file.remove(paste0(OutputFile, ".index"))

            GenoFile = GenoFile,
            OutputFile = OutputFile,
            RegionFile = RegionFile,
            SparseGRMFile = SparseGRMFile)


## additional columns of "zScore", "nSamplesInGroup", "AltCountsInGroup", "AltFreqInGroup"
## We do not recommend adding too many columns for all markers

file.remove(paste0(OutputFile, ".markerInfo"))
file.remove(paste0(OutputFile, ".index"))
            GenoFile = GenoFile,
            OutputFile = OutputFile,
            RegionFile = RegionFile,
            RegionAnnoHeader = c("ANNO1", "ANNO2"),
            SparseGRMFile = SparseGRMFile,
            control = list(outputColumns = c("beta", "seBeta", "zScore","nSamplesInGroup","AltCountsInGroup","AltFreqInGroup")))


## Check 'OutputFile' for the analysis results

NOTE for BGEN file input

The current version of GRAB package only supports BGEN v1.2 using 8 bits compression (faster than using 16 bits). For example, if plink2 is used to make BGEN file, please refer to

plink2 --bfile input --out output --export bgen-1.2 bits=8

The index file for BGEN file is also required (filename extension is ".bgen.bgi"). Please refer to

More detailed information for package developers

For SPACox method, we should create the following files


and modify the following codes

# static SPACox::SPACoxClass* ptr_gSPACoxobj = NULL;
# void setSPACoxobjInCPP()