GenieFramework / Genie.jl

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Recepies for common tasks / Genie UI #355

Open essenciary opened 3 years ago

essenciary commented 3 years ago
  1. Integration with Plots.jl
using Plots

f(x, p) = sin(x) + cos(p)

function gen_data(n::Float64)
    x_range = -10:0.1:10
    y_range = -3:0.1:3

    xs = Float64[]
    ys = Float64[]
    zs = Float64[]
    for x in x_range, y in y_range
        push!(xs, x)
        push!(ys, y)
        push!(zs, f(n*x, n*y))

    return xs, ys, zs

xs, ys, zs = gen_data(0.3)
p = surface(xs, ys, zs)
  1. Integration with DataFrames
jtrakk commented 3 years ago

Maybe WGLMakie

foldfelis commented 3 years ago

Maybe WGLMakie

This might work. I'll give it a try