GenieFramework / Genie.jl

🧞The highly productive Julia web framework
MIT License
2.22k stars 186 forks source link
framework full-stack julia low-code mvc orm reactive vuejs web webframework
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🧞 The highly productive Julia web framework

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Built with ❀︎ by contributors

Genie.jl is the backbone of the Genie Framework, which provides a streamlined and efficient workflow for developing modern web applications. It builds on Julia's strengths (high-level, high-performance, dynamic, JIT compiled), exposing a rich API and a powerful toolset for productive web development.

Genie Framework is composed of four main components:

To learn more about Genie, visit the documentation, and the app gallery.

If you need help with anything, you can find us on Discord.

Julia data dashboard powered by Genie. App gallery

Features of Genie.jl

πŸ› Genie Router: Genie has a really powerful πŸ’ͺ Router. Matching web requests to functions, extracting and setting up the request's variables and the execution environment, and invoking the response methods. Features include:

# Genie Hello World!
# As simple as Hello
using Genie
route("/hello") do
    "Welcome to Genie!"

# Powerful high-performance HTML view templates
using Genie.Renderer.Html
route("/html") do
    h1("Welcome to Genie!") |> html

# JSON rendering built in
using Genie.Renderer.Json
route("/json") do
    (:greeting => "Welcome to Genie!") |> json

# Start the app!

πŸ”Œ WebSocket: Genie provides a powerful workflow for client-server communication over websockets

julia> using Genie, Genie.Router

julia> channel("/foo/bar") do
         # process request
[WS] /foo/bar => #1 | :foo_bar

πŸ“ƒ Templating: Built-in templates support for HTML, JSON, Markdown, JavaScript views.

πŸ” Authentication: Easy to add database backed authentication for restricted area of a website.

julia> using Pkg

julia> Pkg.add("GenieAuthentication") # adding authentication plugin

julia> using GenieAuthentication

julia> GenieAuthentication.install(@__DIR__)

⏰ Tasks: Tasks allow you to perform various operations and hook them with crons jobs for automation

module S3DBTask
# ... hidden code

  Downloads S3 files to local disk.
  Populate the database from CSV file
  function runtask()
    mktempdir() do directory
      @info "Path of directory" directory
      # download record file

      # unzip file

      # dump to database

# ... more hidden code
$ bin/runtask S3DBTask

πŸ“¦ Plugin Ecosystem: Explore plugins built by the community such as GenieAuthentication, GenieAutoreload, GenieAuthorisation, and more

πŸ—ƒοΈ ORM Support: Explore SearchLight a complete ORM solution for Genie, supporting Postgres, MySQL, SQLite and other adapters

function search(user_names, regions, startdate, enddate)
# ... hidden code

  where_filters = SQLWhereEntity[
      SQLWhereExpression("lower(user_name) IN ( $(repeat("?,", length(user_names))[1:end-1] ) )", user_names),
      SQLWhereExpression("date >= ? AND date <= ?", startdate, enddate)

  SearchLight.find(UserRecord, where_filters, order=[""])

# ... more hidden code

import SearchLight.Migrations: create_table, column, primary_key, add_index, drop_table

function up() create_table(:record) do [ primary_key() column(:user_uuid, :string, limit = 100) column(:user_name, :string, limit = 100) column(:status, :integer, limit = 4) column(:region, :string, limit = 20) column(:date_of_birth, :string, limit = 100) ] end

add_index(:record, :user_uuid) add_index(:record, :user_name) add_index(:record, :region) add_index(:record, :date_of_birth) end

function down() drop_table(:record) end


* `Model Validations`

πŸ“ More Genie features like:
* `Files Uploads`

route("/", method = POST) do
  if infilespayload(:yourfile)

    "No file uploaded"


Please contribute using GitHub Flow. Create a branch, add commits, and open a pull request.

Please read CONTRIBUTING for details on our CODE OF CONDUCT, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

Special Credits


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

⭐ If you enjoy this project please consider starring the 🧞 Genie.jl GitHub repo. It will help us fund our open source projects.