GeniusPenguin9 / Brainfuck_All_In_One

🐧Brainfuck tools: analyzer, language server, vsc plugin, debugger server, interpreter.🐧
MIT License
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Brainfuck All In One

Brainfuck All In One provides full support for brainfuck developing.

For this extension to work, your brainfuck file should have '.bf' file extension.


Supported Platforms:


Use 'Format Document' command to format current .bf file.

The formatter will try to format in following rule:

  1. '[' & ']' will occupy a single line and indent internal symbols.
  2. zero or more movements(<>), one or more calculations(+-), and zero or more IO(.,) will compose a line.

Inlay Hints

Could be configured via "vscodeBrainfuck.enableInlayHints", default value is true.


The linting tool will work automatically for .bf files.

Linting rules:

  1. only '[]+-<>,.' are valid brainfuck symbols
  2. support '//' & '/ /' style comment

Running brainfuck

The extension provides three commands:


The extension provides a DAP to run and debug .bf file, and supports following features:

  1. breakpoint
  2. stepping
  3. view current pointer and memory

To debug a .bf file, use following config in .vscode/launch.json:

      "name": "debug",
      "type": "brainfuck",
      "request": "launch",
      "program": "${workspaceFolder}/"

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