Genivia / RE-flex

A high-performance C++ regex library and lexical analyzer generator with Unicode support. Extends Flex++ with Unicode support, indent/dedent anchors, lazy quantifiers, functions for lex and syntax error reporting and more. Seamlessly integrates with Bison and other parsers.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
520 stars 85 forks source link
bison compiler flex flex-regex fuzzy-matching graphviz-dot lex lexer lexer-generator lexical-analyzer pcre regex regex-engine regex-library regex-pattern regular-expression regular-expressions


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A high-performance C++ regex library and lexical analyzer generator with Unicode support.

Two example use cases:

  1. A RE/flex-generated tokenizer is used by the Tiger Compiler.
  2. The RE/flex C++ regex engines are used by ugrep.

The RE/flex lexical analyzer generator extends Flex++ with Unicode support, indent/dedent anchors, POSIX regex lazy quantifiers, word boundaries, functions for lex and syntax error reporting, lexer rule execution performance profiling, and other new features.

Only RE/flex supports POSIX regex lazy matching in linear time using an advanced DFA transformation algorithm invented by Dr. Robert van Engelen.

RE/flex is faster than Flex and much faster than regex libraries such as Boost.Regex, C++11 std::regex, PCRE2 and RE2. For example, tokenizing a 2 KB representative C source code file into 244 tokens takes only 8.7 microseconds:

Command / FunctionSoftwareTime (μs)
reflex --fast --noindentRE/flex
reflex --fastRE/flex
flex -+ --fullFlex 2.5.359.8
reflex --fullRE/flex
pcre2_jit_match()PCRE2 (jit) 10.4260.8
hs_compile_multi(), hs_scan()Hyperscan 5.4.2129
reflex -m=boost-perlBoost.Regex 1.82.0205
RE2::Consume()RE2 (pre-compiled) 2023-09-01218
reflex -m=boostBoost.Regex POSIX 1.82.0392
pcre2_match()PCRE2 10.42500
RE2::Consume()RE2 POSIX (pre-compiled) 2023-09-01534
flex -+Flex 2.5.353759
pcre2_dfa_match()PCRE2 POSIX (dfa) 10.424029
regcomp(), regexec()GNU C POSIX.2 regex4932
std::cregex_iterator()C++11 std::regex6490

Note: performance in elapsed time (lower is better) in microseconds for 1000 to 10000 benchmark runs using Mac OS X 12.6.9 with clang 12.0.0 -O2, 2.9 GHz Intel Core i7, 16 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3. Hyperscan disqualifies as a scanner due to its "All matches reported" semantics resulting in 1915 matches for this test, and due to its event handler requirements. Download the tests

The performance table is indicative of the impact on performance when using PCRE2 and Boost.Regex with RE/flex. PCRE2 and Boost.Regex are optional libraries integrated with RE/flex for Perl matching because of their efficiency. By default, RE/flex uses DFA-based extended regular expression matching in linear time, the fastest method (as shown in the table).

The RE/flex matcher tracks line numbers, column numbers, and indentations, whereas Flex does not (option noyylineno) and neither do the other regex matchers in the table (except PCRE2 and Boost.Regex when used with RE/flex). Tracking this information incurs some overhead. RE/flex also automatically decodes UTF-8/16/32 input and accepts std::istream, strings, and wide strings as input.


Note: PCRE2 and Boost.Regex are not dependencies, they can be used as optional regex engines in addition to the RE/flex regex engine.



Use reflex/bin/reflex.exe from the command line or add a Custom Build Step in MSVC++ as follows:

  1. select the project name in Solution Explorer then Property Pages from the Project menu (see also custom-build steps in Visual Studio);

  2. add an extra path to the reflex/include folder in the Include Directories under VC++ Directories, which should look like $(VC_IncludePath);$(WindowsSDK_IncludePath);C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\reflex\include (this assumes the reflex source package is in your Documents folder).

  3. enter "C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\reflex\bin\win32\reflex.exe" --header-file "C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\mylexer.l" in the Command Line property under Custom Build Step (this assumes mylexer.l is in your Documents folder);

  4. enter lex.yy.h lex.yy.cpp in the Outputs property;

  5. specify Execute Before as PreBuildEvent.

If you are using specific reflex options such as --flex then add these in step 3.

Before compiling your program with MSVC++, drag the folders reflex/lib and reflex/unicode to the Source Files in the Solution Explorer panel of your project. Next, run reflex.exe simply by compiling your project (which may fail, but that is OK for now as long as we executed the custom build step to run reflex.exe). Drag the generated lex.yy.h (if present) and lex.yy.cpp files to the Source Files. Now you are all set!

In addition, the reflex/vs directory contains batch scripts to build projects with MS Visual Studio C++.


On macOS systems you can use homebrew to install RE/flex with brew install re-flex. Or use MacPorts to install RE/flex with sudo port install re-flex.


On NetBSD systems you can use the standard NetBSD package installer (pkgsrc):

Quick install

First clone the code:

$ git clone

Then simply do a quick clean build, assuming your environment is pretty much standard:

$ ./
$ ./

This compiles the reflex tool and installs it locally in reflex/bin. For local use of RE/flex in your project, you can add this location to your $PATH variable to enable the new reflex command:

$ export PATH=$PATH:/your_path_to_reflex/reflex/bin

Note that the libreflex.a and libraries are saved locally in reflex/lib. Link against the library when you use the RE/flex regex engine in your code, such as:

$ c++ <options and .o/.cpp files> -L/your_path_to_reflex/reflex/lib -lreflex

or you could statically link libreflex.a with:

$ c++ <options and .o/.cpp files> /your_path_to_reflex/reflex/lib/libreflex.a

Also note that the RE/flex header files that you will need to include in your project are locally located in include/reflex.

To install the man page, the header files in /usr/local/include/reflex, the library in /usr/local/lib and the reflex command in /usr/local/bin:

$ sudo ./

Configure and make

The configure script accepts configuration and installation options. To view these options, run:

$ ./configure --help

Run configure and make:

$ ./configure && make

To build the examples also:

$ ./configure --enable-examples && make

After this successfully completes, you can optionally run make install to install the reflex command and the libreflex library:

$ sudo make install

Unfortunately, cloning from Git does not preserve timestamps which means that you may run into "WARNING: 'aclocal-1.15' is missing on your system." To work around this problem, run:

$ autoreconf -fi
$ ./configure && make

The above builds the library with SSE/AVX optimizations applied. To disable AVX optimizations:

$ ./configure --disable-avx && make

To disable both SSE2 and AVX optimizations:

$ ./configure --disable-sse2 && make

Optional libraries to install

Improved Vim syntax highlighting

Copy the lex.vim file to ~/.vim/syntax/ to enjoy improved syntax highlighting for both Flex and RE/flex.


There are two ways you can use this project:

  1. as a scanner generator for C++, similar to Flex;
  2. as a flexible regex library API for C++.

For the first option, simply build the reflex tool and run it on the command line on a lexer specification:

$ reflex --flex --bison --graphs-file lexspec.l

This generates a scanner for Bison from the lexer specification lexspec.l and saves the finite state machine (FSM) as a Graphviz .gv file that can be visualized with the Graphviz dot tool:

$ dot -Tpdf reflex.INITIAL.gv > reflex.INITIAL.pdf
$ open reflex.INITIAL.pdf

Visualize DFA graphs with Graphviz dot

Several examples are included to get you started. See the manual for more details.

For the second option, simply use the RE/flex matcher API classes to start pattern search, matching, splitting and scanning on strings, wide strings, files, and streams.

You can select matchers that are based on different regex engines:

Each matcher may differ in regex syntax features (see the full documentation), but they all share the same methods and iterators, such as:

For example, using Boost.Regex (alternatively use PCRE2 reflex::PCRE2Matcher):

#include <reflex/boostmatcher.h> // reflex::BoostMatcher, reflex::Input, boost::regex
// use a BoostMatcher to check if the birthdate string is a valid date
if (reflex::BoostMatcher("\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}", birthdate).matches() != 0)
  std::cout << "Valid date!" << std::endl;

With a group capture to fetch the year:

#include <reflex/boostmatcher.h> // reflex::BoostMatcher, reflex::Input, boost::regex
// use a BoostMatcher to check if the birthdate string is a valid date
reflex::BoostMatcher matcher("(\\d{4})-\\d{2}-\\d{2}", birthdate);
if (matcher.matches() != 0)
  std::cout << std::string(matcher[1].first, matcher[1].second) << " was a good year!" << std::endl;

To search a string for words \w+:

#include <reflex/boostmatcher.h> // reflex::BoostMatcher, reflex::Input, boost::regex
// use a BoostMatcher to search for words in a sentence
reflex::BoostMatcher matcher("\\w+", "How now brown cow.");
while (matcher.find() != 0)
  std::cout << "Found " << matcher.text() << std::endl;

The split method is roughly the inverse of the find method and returns text located between matches. For example using non-word matching \W+:

#include <reflex/boostmatcher.h> // reflex::BoostMatcher, reflex::Input, boost::regex
// use a BoostMatcher to search for words in a sentence
reflex::BoostMatcher matcher("\\W+", "How now brown cow.");
while (matcher.split())
  std::cout << "Found " << matcher.text() << std::endl;

To pattern match the content of a file, where the file may use UTF-8, 16, or 32 encodings that are automatically converted when a UTF BOM is present:

#include <reflex/boostmatcher.h> // reflex::BoostMatcher, reflex::Input, boost::regex
// use a BoostMatcher to search and display words from a FILE
FILE *fd = fopen("somefile.txt", "r");
if (fd == NULL)
reflex::BoostMatcher matcher("\\w+", fd);
while (matcher.find())
  std::cout << "Found " << matcher.text() << std::endl;

Same again, but this time with a C++ input stream:

#include <reflex/boostmatcher.h> // reflex::BoostMatcher, reflex::Input, boost::regex
// use a BoostMatcher to search and display words from a stream
std::ifstream file("somefile.txt", std::ifstream::in);
reflex::BoostMatcher matcher("\\w+", file);
while (matcher.find())
  std::cout << "Found " << matcher.text() << std::endl;

Stuffing the search results into a container using RE/flex iterators:

#include <reflex/boostmatcher.h> // reflex::BoostMatcher, reflex::Input, boost::regex
#include <vector>         // std::vector
// use a BoostMatcher to convert words of a sentence into a string vector
reflex::BoostMatcher matcher("\\w+", "How now brown cow.");
std::vector<std::string> words(matcher.find.begin(), matcher.find.end());

Use C++11 range-based loops with RE/flex iterators:

#include <reflex/pcre2matcher.h> // reflex::PCRE2TFMatcher, reflex::Input, std::regex
// use a PCRE2UTFMatcher to search for words in a sentence
reflex::PCRE2UTFMatcher matcher("\\w+", "How now brown cow.");
for (auto& match : matcher.find)
  std::cout << "Found " << match.text() << std::endl;

Note that we cannot generally simplify this loop to the following, because the temporary matcher object is destroyed (some compilers handle this in C++23):

for (auto& match : reflex::PCRE2UTFMatcher matcher("\\w+", "How now brown cow.").find);
  std::cout << "Found " << match.text() << std::endl;

RE/flex also allows you to convert expressive regex syntax forms such as \p Unicode classes, character class set operations such as [a-z--[aeiou]], escapes such as \X, and (?x) mode modifiers, to a regex string that the underlying regex library understands and will be able to use:

For example:

#include <reflex/matcher.h> // reflex::Matcher, reflex::Input, reflex::Pattern
// use a Matcher to check if sentence is in Greek:
static const reflex::Pattern pattern(reflex::Matcher::convert("[\\p{Greek}\\p{Zs}\\pP]+", reflex::convert_flag::unicode));
if (reflex::Matcher(pattern, sentence).matches() != 0)
  std::cout << "This is Greek" << std::endl;

We use convert with optional flag reflex::convert_flag::unicode to make . (dot), \w, \s and so on match Unicode and to convert \p Unicode character classes.

Conversion is fast (it runs in linear time in the size of the regex), but it is not without some overhead. Making converted regex patterns static as shown above saves the cost of conversion to just once to support many matchings.

How to contribute?


Where do I find the documentation?

Read more about RE/flex in the manual.

License and copyright

RE/flex by Robert van Engelen, Genivia Inc. Copyright (c) 2016-2023, All rights reserved.

RE/flex is distributed under the BSD-3 license LICENSE.txt. Use, modification, and distribution are subject to the BSD-3 license.

Reporting bugs

Visit GitHub to report bugs:
