Genivia / ugrep-indexer

A monotonic indexer to speed up grepping by >10x (ugrep-indexer is now part of ugrep 6.0)
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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grep grep-search index indexing regex search

A monotonic indexer to speed up grepping


The ugrep-indexer utility recursively indexes files to speed up recursive grepping.

Also the contents of archives and compressed files are indexed when specified with a command-line option. This eliminates searching them when none of their contents match the specified patterns.

ugrep is a grep-compatible fast file searcher that supports index-based searching. Index-based search can be significantly faster on slow file systems and when file system caching is ineffective: if the file system on a drive searched is not cached in RAM, i.e. it is "cold", then indexing will speed up search. It only searches those files that may match a specified regex pattern by using an index of the file. This index allows for a quick check if there is a potential match, thus we avoid searching all files.

Indexed-based search with ugrep is safe and never skips updated files that may now match. If any files and directories are added or changed after indexing, then searching will always search these additions and changes made to the file system by comparing file and directory time stamps to the indexing time stamp.

When many files are added or changed after indexing, then we might want to re-index to bring the indexes up to date. Re-indexing is incremental, so it will not take as much time as the initial indexing process.

A typical but small example of an index-based search, for example on the ugrep v3.12.6 repository placed on a separate drive:

$ cd drive/ugrep
$ ugrep-indexer -I

12247077 bytes scanned and indexed with 19% noise on average
    1317 files indexed in 28 directories
      28 new directories indexed
    1317 new files indexed
       0 modified files indexed
       0 deleted files removed from indexes
     128 binary files ignored with --ignore-binary
       0 symbolic links skipped
       0 devices skipped
 5605227 bytes indexing storage increase at 4256 bytes/file

Normal searching on a cold file system without indexing takes 1.02 seconds after unmounting the drive and mounting again to clear FS cache to record the effect of indexing:

$ ugrep -I -l 'std::chrono' --stats

Searched 1317 files in 28 directories in 1.02 seconds with 8 threads: 1 matching (0.07593%)

Ripgrep 13.0.0 takes longer with 1.18 seconds for the same cold search (ripgrep skips binary files by default, so option -I is not specified):

$ time rg -l 'std::chrono'
    1.18 real         0.01 user         0.06 sys

By contrast, with indexing, searching a cold file system only takes 0.0487 seconds with ugrep, which is 21 times faster, after unmounting drive and mounting again to clear FS cache to record the effect of indexing:

$ ugrep --index -I -l 'std::chrono' --stats

Searched 1317 files in 28 directories in 0.0487 seconds with 8 threads: 1 matching (0.07593%)
Skipped 1316 of 1317 files with non-matching indexes

There is always some variance in the elapsed time with 0.0487 seconds the best time of four search runs that produced a search time range of 0.0487 (21x speed up) to 0.0983 seconds (10x speed up).

The speed increase may be significantly higher in general compared to this small demo, depending on several factors, the size of the files indexed, the read speed of the file system and assuming most files are cold.

The indexing algorithm that I designed is provably monotonic: a higher accuracy guarantees an increased search performance by reducing the false positive rate, but also increases index storage overhead. Likewise, a lower accuracy decreases search performance, but also reduces the index storage overhead. Therefore, I named my indexer a monotonic indexer.

If file storage space is at a premium, then we can dial down the index storage overhead by specifying a lower indexing accuracy.

Indexing the example from above with level 0 (option -0) reduces the indexing storage overhead by 8.6 times, from 4256 bytes per file to a measly 490 bytes per file:

12247077 bytes scanned and indexed with 42% noise on average
    1317 files indexed in 28 directories
       0 new directories indexed
    1317 new files indexed
       0 modified files indexed
       0 deleted files removed from indexes
     128 binary files ignored with --ignore-binary
       0 symbolic links skipped
       0 devices skipped
  646123 bytes indexing storage increase at 490 bytes/file

Indexed search is still a lot faster by 12x than non-indexed for this example, with 16 files actually searched (15 false positives):

Searched 1317 files in 28 directories in 0.0722 seconds with 8 threads: 1 matching (0.07593%)
Skipped 1301 of 1317 files with non-matching indexes

Regex patterns that are more complex than this example may have a higher false positive rate naturally, which is the rate of files that are considered possibly matching when they are not. A higher false positive rate may reduce search speeds when the rate is large enough to be impactful.

The following table shows how indexing accuracy affects indexing storage and the average noise per file indexed. The rightmost columns show the search speed and false positive rate for ugrep --index -I -l 'std::chrono':

acc. index storage (KB) average noise false positives search time (s)
-0 631 42% 15 0.0722
-1 1276 39% 1 0.0506
-2 1576 36% 0 0.0487
-3 2692 31% 0 unch
-4 2966 28% 0 unch
-5 4953 23% 0 unch
-6 5474 19% 0 unch
-7 9513 15% 0 unch
-8 10889 11% 0 unch
-9 13388 7% 0 unch

If the specified regex matches many more possible patterns, for example with the search ugrep --index -I -l '(todo|TODO)[: ]', then we may observe a higher rate of false positives among the 1317 files searched, resulting in slightly longer search times:

acc. false positives search time (s)
-0 189 0.292
-1 69 0.122
-2 43 0.103
-3 19 0.101
-4 16 0.097
-5 2 0.096
-6 1 unch
-7 0 unch
-8 0 unch
-9 0 unch

Accuracy -4 is the default (from -5 previously in older releases), which tends to work very well to search with regex patterns of modest complexity.

One word of caution. There is always a tiny bit of overhead to check the indexes. This means that if all files are already cached in RAM, because files were searched or read recently, then indexing will not necesarily speed up search, obviously. In that case a non-indexed search might be faster. Furthermore, an index-based search has a longer start-up time. This start-up time increases when Unicode character classes and wildcards are used that must be converted to hash tables.

To summarize, index-based search is most effective when searching a lot of cold files and when regex patterns aren't matching too much, i.e. we want to limit the use of unlimited repeats * and + and limit the use of Unicode character classes when possible. This reduces the ugrep start-up time and limits the rate of false positive pattern matches (see also Q&A below).

Quick examples

Recursively and incrementally index all non-binary files showing progress:

ugrep-indexer -I -v

Recursively and incrementally index all non-binary files, including non-binary files stored in archives and in compressed files, showing progress:

ugrep-indexer -z -I -v

Incrementally index all non-binary files, including archives and compressed files, show progress, follow symbolic links to files (but not to directories), but do not index files and directories matching the globs in .gitignore:

ugrep-indexer -z -I -v -S -X

Force re-indexing of all non-binary files, including archives and compressed files, follow symbolic links to files (but not to directories), but do not index files and directories matching the globs in .gitignore:

ugrep-indexer -f -z -I -v -S -X

Same, but decrease index file storage to a minimum by decreasing indexing accuracy from 5 (default) to 0:

ugrep-indexer -f -0 -z -I -v -S -X

Increase search performance by increasing the indexing accuracy from 5 (default) to 7 at a cost of larger index files:

ugrep-indexer -f7zIvSX

Recursively delete all hidden ._UG#_Store index files to restore the directory tree to non-indexed:

ugrep-indexer -d

Build steps

Configure and compile with:


If desired but not required, install with:

sudo make install

Future enhancements


Q: How does it work?

Indexing adds a hidden index file ._UG#_Store to each directory indexed. Files indexed are scanned (never changed!) by ugrep-indexer to generate index files.

The size of the index files depends on the specified accuracy, with -0 the lowest (small index files) and -9 the highest (large index files). The default accuracy is -4. See the next Q for details on the impact of accuracy on indexing size versus search speed.

Indexing never follows symbolic links to directories, because symbolically linked directories may be located anywhere in a file system, or in another file system, where we do not want to add index files. You can still index symbolic links to files with ugrep-indexer option -S.

Option -v (--verbose) displays the indexing progress and "noise" of each file indexed. Noise is a measure of entropy or randomness in the input. A higher level of noise means that indexing was less accurate in representing the contents of a file. For example, a large file with random data is hard to index accurately and will have a high level of noise.

The complexity of indexing is linear in the size of a given file to index. In practice it is not a fast process, not as fast a searching, and may take some time to complete a full indexing pass over a large directory tree. When indexing completes, ugrep-indexer displays the results of indexing. The total size of the indexes added and average indexing noise is also reported.

Scanning a file to index results in a 64KB indexing hashes table. Then, the ugrep-indexer halves the table with bit compression using bitwise-and as long as the target accuracy is not exceeded. Halving is made possible by the fact that the table encodes hashes for 8 windows at offsets from the start of the pattern, corresponding to the 8 bits per index hashing table cell. Combining the two halves of the table may flip some bits to zero from one, which may cause a false positive match. This proves the monotonicity of the indexer. A zero bit hash value indicates a possible match.

The ugrep-indexer detects "binary files", which can be ignored and not indexed with ugrep-indexer option -I (--ignore-binary). This is useful when searching with ugrep option -I (--ignore-binary) to ignore binary files, which is a typical scenario.

The ugrep-indexer obeys .gitignore file exclusions when specified with option -X (--ignore-files). Ignored files and directories will not be indexed to save file system space. This works well when searching for files with ugrep option --ignore-files.

Indexing can be aborted, for example with CTRL-C, which will not result in a loss of search capability with ugrep, but will leave the directory structure only partially indexed.

Option -c checks indexes for stale references and non-indexed files and directories.

Indexes are deleted with ugrep-indexer option -d.

The ugrep-indexer has been extensively tested by comparing ugrep --index search results to the "slow" non-indexed ugrep search results on thousands of files with thousands of random search patterns.

Indexed-based search works with all ugrep options except with option -v (--invert-match), --filter, -P (--perl-regexp) and -Z (--fuzzy). Option -c (--count) with --index automatically sets --min-count=1 to skip all files with zero matches.

If any files or directories were updated, added or deleted after indexing, then ugrep --index will always search these files and directories when they are present on the recursive search path. You can run ugrep-indexer again to incrementally update all indexes.

Regex patterns are converted internally by ugrep with option --index to a form of hash tables for up to the first 16 bytes of the regex patterns specified, possibly shorter in order to reduce construction time when regex patterns are complex. Therefore, the first 8 to 16 characters of a regex pattern to search are most critical and should not match too much to limit so-called false positive matches that may slow down searching.

In ugrep, a regex pattern is converted to a DFA. An indexing hash finite automaton (HFA) is constructed on top of the DFA to compactly represent hash tables as state transitions with labelled edges. This HFA consists of up to eight layers, each shifted by one byte to represent the next 8-byte window over the pattern. Each HFA layer encodes index hashes for that part of the pattern. The index hash function chosen is "additive", meaning the next byte is added when hashed with the previous hash. This is very important as it critically reduces the HFA construction overhead. We can now encode labelled HFA transitions to states as multiple edges with 16-bit hash value ranges instead of a set of single edges each with an individual hash value. To this end, I use my open-ended ranges library reflex::ORanges<T> derived from std::set<T>.

A very simple single string maybe_match() function with the prime 61 index hash function is given below to demonstrate index-based searching of a single string:

// prime 61 hashing
uint16_t indexhash(uint16_t h, uint8_t b, size_t size)
  return ((h << 6) - h - h - h + b) & (size - 1);

// return possible match of string given array of hashes of size <= 64K (power of two)
bool maybe_match(const char *string, uint8_t *hashes, size_t size)
  size_t len = strlen(string); // practically we can and should limit len to e.g. 15 or 16
  for (const char *window = string; len > 0; ++window, --len)
    uint16_t h = window[0] & (size - 1);
    if (hashes[h] & 0x01)
      return false
    size_t k, n = len < 8 ? len : 8;
    for (k = 1; k < n; ++k)
      h = indexhash(h, window[k], size);
      if (hashes[h] & (1 << k))
        return false;
  return true;

The prime 61 hash was chosen among many other possible hashing functions using a realistic experimental setup. A candidate hashing function was tested by repreatedly searching a randomly-drawn word from a 100MB Wikipedia file. The word was mutated with one, two or three random letters. This mutation is checked to make sure it does not correspond to an actual valid word in the Wikipedia file. Then the false positive rate was recorded whenever a mutated word matches the file. A hash function with a minimal false positive rate should be a good candidate overall.

By using a window of 8 (or shorter depending on the pattern length) the false positive rate is lower compared to standard Bloom filters. More specifically, hash functions are used instead of N in a Bloom filter. For shorter patterns, N is often too small to limit false positives. Therefore, is more effective. It also rejects any pattern from a match that has a character anywhere in the first 8 bytes of the pattern does not actually occur anywhere in an indexed file, whereas a standard Bloom filter might have a false positive match. Furthermore, the bit addressing used to index the hashes table enables efficient table compression.

Q: What is indexing accuracy?

Indexing is a form of lossy compression. The higher the indexing accuracy, the faster ugrep search performance should be by skipping more files that do not match. A higher accuracy reduces noise (less lossy). A high level of noise causes ugrep to sometimes search indexed files that do not match. We call these "false positive matches". Higher accuracy requires larger index files. Normally we expect 4K or less indexing storage per file on average. The minimum is 128 bytes of index storage per file, excluding the file name and a 4-byte index header. The maximum is 64K bytes storage per file for very large noisy files.

When searching indexed files with ugrep --index --stats, option --stats shows the search statistics after the indexing-based search completed. When many files are not skipped from searching due to indexing noise (i.e. false positives), then a higher accuracy helps to increase the effectiveness of indexing, which may speed up searching.

Q: What about UTF-16 and UTF-32 files?

UTF-16 and UTF-32 files are indexed too. The indexer treats them as UTF-8 after internally converting them to UTF-8 to index.

Q: Why bother indexing archives and compressed files?

Disk space is saved by archiving (zip/tar/pax/cpio) and compressing files. On the other hand, searching archives and compressed files is much slower than searching regular files. Indexing archives and compressed files with ugrep-indexer -z -I and searching them with ugrep -z -I --index PATTERN speeds up searching, i.e. when archives and compressed files are skipped. On the other hand, disk store requirements will increase with the addition of index file entries for archives and compressed files. Note that when archives and compressed files contain binaries, option -I ignores these binaries.

Q: Why is the start-up time of ugrep higher with option --index?

The start-up overhead of ugrep --index to construct indexing hash tables depends on the regex patterns. If a regex pattern is very "permissive", i.e. matches a lot of possible patterns, then the start-up time of ugrep --index significantly increases to compute hash tables. This may happen when large Unicode character classes and wildcards are used, especially with the unlimited * and + repeats. To find out how the start-up time increases, use option ugrep --index -r PATTERN /dev/null --stats=vm to search /dev/null with your PATTERN.

Q: Why are index files not compressed?

Index files should be very dense in information content and that is the case with this new indexing algorithm for ugrep that I designed and implemented. The denser an index file is, the more compact it accurately represents the original file data. That makes it hard or impossible to compress index files. This is also a good indicator of how effective an index file will be in practice.