Geo-Ron / AzuritBer

Ardumower full odometry version
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Ardumower full odometry version see and for more info.

Master branch need PCB1.3 or 1.4 ,ODOMETRY on drive motor and IMU : GY-521 / or GY-88 based on MPU6050 version


        RFID BOARD PN5180 AS RFID READER and ESP32 dev kit to manage SPI communication with PN5180 and WIFI/BT for arduremote

    RASPBERRY for vision or camera streaming:

See other branch for GY-87 or MPU-9250/9255 version

GY87 version use a GY87 IMU connected on I2C1 to avoid i2c adress conflit with RTC .

RL1000 version is the code for robomow rl model platform. The 3 big mow motor use 3 BTS7960 motor driver and 3 INA226 with R010 instead R100 to manage motor sense over I2C