The software provides Byesian inversion for the excavation damage zone (EDZ) properties and stochastic contaminant transport in order to provide stochastic prediction of EDZ safety indicators.
The safety indicator is defined as the 95% quantile of the contaminant concentration on the repository model boundary over the whole simulation period. The contaminant is modeled without radioactive decay as a inert tracer. The multilevel Monte Carlo method is used to parform stochastic transport simulation in reasonable time. Random inputs to the transport model include: EDZ parameters, random hidden fractures, (random leakage times for containers), perturbations of the rock properties.
The EDZ properties are obtained from the Bayesian inversion, using data from pore pressure min-by experiment. The Bayesian inversion provides posterior joined probability density for the EDZ properties (porosity, permability) as heterogenous fields. That means the properties are described as correlated random variables.
Repository structure:
- software documentation and various reports from the Endorse projectexperiments
- various numerical experiments and developments as part of the Endorse projectsrc
- main sourcestests
- various software tests, test datadoc
- software documentation and various reports from the Endorse projectexperiments
- various numerical experiments and developments as part of the Endorse projectsrc
- main sourcestests
- various software tests, test dataIn order to create the development environment run:
As the Docker remote interpreter is supported only in PyCharm Proffesional, we have to debug most of the code just with virtual environment and flow123d running in docker.
More complex tests should be run in the Docker image: flow123d/geomop-gnu:2.0.0 In the PyCharm (need Professional edition) use the Docker plugin, and configure the Python interpreter by add interpreter / On Docker ...
Vytvořit SW nástroj a metodiku, pro predikci veličin charakterizujících bezpečnost dílčí části úložiště (tzv. indikátorů bezpečnosti) na základě geofyzikálních měření. To zahrnuje:
Přehled řešení projektu - přehled plánovaných, řešených a ukončených úkolů dle harmonogramu projektu
Zotero Endorse - sdílený prostor pro komunikaci referencí a fulltextů, použití v rámci aplikace Zotero
Overleaf Endorse - tvorba sdílených textů, zpráv, ...