GeoSensorWebLab / sensorthings-dashboard

A simple web dashboard for SensorThings
Eclipse Public License 1.0
4 stars 0 forks source link

Simple STA Dashboard

A basic dashboard for SensorThings.


Development Environment

The app is JavaScript and builds using Node.js. To start, install the base Node packages:

$ npm install

Now you can start the local development server:

$ node preview.js

That's all. The server is now running at http://localhost:4200/.

Production Deployment

This web app is compatible with Heroku and Heroku-like platforms (such as Dokku). When pushed to production, a static copy of the web app will be compiled with gzip compression enabled. The static site will then be served using Express.js with cache-control enabled.

For more information on getting started with deployment, please see the Getting Started Guide for Heroku or Deploy Tutorial for Dokku.


This repository is licensed under the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0.

The app has a dependency on the HighCharts graphing library, which is not free for commercial and government use. Please see the HighSoft FAQ for more information on licensing.


James Badger