Static website for viewing and analyzing GeoTIFF's in the browser
It's too much of a pain to view and manipulate raster data. The aim of this project is to make it easier by just doing it in your web browser.
Wondering how to auto-load a raster or adjust the resolution? Check out redesigns the traditional GIS approach. No longer, must you learn buttonology, what every icon stands for and where to find it. has a simple search interface where you can find everything you need. runs all the tools and processes in your own browser. This means that any data you upload or link to is never sent anywhere. works behind the firewall, allowing you to process TIFF's behind a VPN. is just a website, that's it. It's just a collection of your standard HTML, CSS and JavaScript files. Unlike ArcMap and QGIS, no install is required. Just point your browser to
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