Geodan / fill-holes-pointcloud

Generate synthetic points to fill holes in point clouds
MIT License
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Fill holes

Generate synthetic points to fill holes in point clouds.


points : (Mx3) array The coordinates of the points. max_circumradius : float or int A triangle with a bigger circumradius than this value will be considered to be a hole, if the triangle also meets the max_ratio_radius_area requirement. Default: 0.4 max_ratio_radius_area : float or int: A triangle with a bigger ratio between the circumradius and the area of the triangle than this value will be considered to be a hole, if the triangle also meets the max_circumradius requirement. Default: 0.2 distance : float or int The distance between the points that will be added. Default: 0.4 percentile : int The percentile of the Z component of the points neighbouring a hole to use for as the Z of the synthetic points. Default: 50 (median) normals_z : array-like of float The Z component of the normals of the points. Will be used to determine which points should be considered when determining the Z value of the synthetic points. Default: None min_norm_z : float or int The minimal value the Z component of the normal vector of a point should be to be considered when determining the Z value of the synthetic points. Default: 0 bounding_shape : str or Polygon A shape defined by a polygon WKT string or a shapely Polygon. No sythetic points will be added outside this shape. Default: None height_clustering : bool Option to cluster the triangles based on height using a KDE to prevent triangles at different heights from ending up in the same polygon. Default: False kde_bandwidth : float The bandwidth of the kernel during kernal density estimation for clustering. Default: 0.05 suppress_qhull_errors : bool If set to true an empty array will be returned when qhull raises an error when creating the delaunay triangulation.


synthetic_points : (Mx3) array The synthetic points