Geontech / redhawk-rfnoc-build

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Building Software Defined Radio (SDR) systems based on REDHAWK and RF-NoC

This repository provides git submodules to setup the OpenEmbedded build system with meta-redhawk-apps and the E310 BSP.

OpenEmbedded allows the creation of custom linux distributions for embedded systems. It is a collection of git repositories known as layers each of which provides recipes to build software packages as well as configuration information.

Information about the branch names is available at Helpful articles about working with GNUradio and Openembedded are at:

Getting Started

  1. Clone the git repository:

    $ git clone

  2. Check out the appropriate branch:

    $ cd redhawk-rfnoc-build $ git checkout -b rocko origin/rocko

  3. Update the submodules:

    $ git submodule update --init

  4. Initialize the build system:

    $ TEMPLATECONF=pwd/meta-redhawk-apps/conf/ source ./openembedded-core/oe-init-build-env ./build-pi ./bitbake

  5. Select the MACHINE to build for:

    $ export MACHINE=ettus-e3xx-sg1

  6. Build an image:

    $ bitbake redhawk-usrp-uhd-rfnoc-image