GeorgeHastings / embed-unicornstudio
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Embed your Unicorn Studio projects

Include the script

Add the script tag to the <head> of your page

<script src=""></script>

or import into your component

import * as UnicornStudio from "./path/to/unicornStudio.umd.js";

Initialize your scene:


Any element with data-us-project will get initialized by calling UnicornStudio.init(). If you're hosting your own exported JSON file, use data-us-project-src to point to its location. You do not need both data-us-project and data-us-project-src. If you host your own JSON, remembder you'll need to update this file when you make changes to your scene in

  data-us-project-src=" (if you're using this, do not use data-us-project)"
  data-us-alttext="Welcome to Unicorn Studio"
  data-us-arialabel="This is a canvas scene"
    .then((scenes) => {
      // Scenes are ready
    .catch((err) => {


You can add a scene dynamically during or after pageload.

<div class="unicorn-embed" id="unicorn"></div>
    elementId: "unicorn", // id of the HTML element to render your scene in (the scene will use its dimensions)
    fps: 60, // frames per second (0-120) [optional]
    scale: 1, // rendering scale, use smaller values for performance boost (0.25-1) [optional]
    dpi: 1, // pixel ratio [optional]
    projectId: "YOUR_PROJECT_EMBED_ID", // the id string for your embed (get this from "embed" export)
    lazyLoad: true, // will not initialize the scene until it scrolls into view
    filePath: "path/to/your/PROJECT_ID.json", // if youre hosting your own exported json code, point to it here (do not use both filePath and projectId, only one is required)
    altText: "Welcome to Unicorn Studio", // optional text for SEO, going inside the <canvas> tag
    ariaLabel: "This is a canvas scene", // optional text for the aria-label attribute on the <canvas> element
    production: false // when true, will hit the global edge CDN, learn more in the help docs
    interactivity: {
      // [optional]
      mouse: {
        disableMobile: true, // disable touch movement on mobile
    .then((scene) => {
      // scene is ready
      // To remove a scene, you can use:
      // scene.destroy()
    .catch((err) => {

Any values set in the UI will be overridden by values defined in the optional params.

Destroy all scenes:

If you're using UnicornStudio in a SPA with dynamic routing, make sure to destroy them on unmount.


Live example