I'm Andrew from TERN. This is a cool tool. We have NetCDFs and Geotiffs that we want to convert to COG.
I've got a question regarding NetCDF Subdatasets. From my understanding, GDAL thinks that a NetCDF file has Subdatasets if there is more than one data variable, like temperature and rainfall in one file. If a file just has temperature, then it will not be a Subdataset, there will just be Bands.
Based on this line in the conversion code, does this mean that all of your NetCDF files have Subdatasets?
Some of our files just have one data variable, so GDAL doesn't detect them as Subdatasets. I tried converting them with this tool but it didn't do anything. If we end up using the tool I'm happy to do a PR, but I just wanted to get in touch first to check that I'm not misunderstanding Subdatsets.
See below for ncdump and gdalinfo from one of our NetCDF files:
I'm Andrew from TERN. This is a cool tool. We have NetCDFs and Geotiffs that we want to convert to COG.
I've got a question regarding NetCDF Subdatasets. From my understanding, GDAL thinks that a NetCDF file has Subdatasets if there is more than one data variable, like temperature and rainfall in one file. If a file just has temperature, then it will not be a Subdataset, there will just be Bands.
Based on this line in the conversion code, does this mean that all of your NetCDF files have Subdatasets?
Some of our files just have one data variable, so GDAL doesn't detect them as Subdatasets. I tried converting them with this tool but it didn't do anything. If we end up using the tool I'm happy to do a PR, but I just wanted to get in touch first to check that I'm not misunderstanding Subdatsets.
See below for ncdump and gdalinfo from one of our NetCDF files:
ncdump Output:
gdalinfo output: