Convert Open Datacube NetCDF files to Cloud Optimised GeoTIFFs.
It runs prior to uploading from the NCI file systems to AWS S3.
Use dea-cogger
convert to COG:
conda create -n cogger datacube=1.8.3 python=3.8 gdal boto3 boltons structlog mpi4py colorama requests chardet
conda activate cogger
pip install requests-aws4auth
pip install -e .
Example commands for calculating which datasets require conversion to COG by downloading a subset of an S3 Inventory and comparing it with an ODC Index.
dea-cogger save-s3-inventory -p ls7_fc_albers -o tmp/
dea-cogger generate-work-list --product-name ls7_fc_albers -o tmp
Example PBS submission script to run in parallel on Gadi.
#PBS -l wd,walltime=5:00:00,mem=190GB,ncpus=48,jobfs=1GB
#PBS -P v10
#PBS -q normal
#PBS -l storage=gdata/v10+gdata/fk4+gdata/rs0+gdata/if87
#PBS -W umask=33
#PBS -N cog_ls8_nbar_albers
module load dea
module load openmpi/3.1.4
mpirun --tag-output dea-cogger mpi-convert --product-name "{{params.product}}" --output-dir "{{work_dir}}/out/" ls8_nbar_albers_file_list.txt
prefix: WOfS/WOFLs/v2.1.5/combined
name_template: x_{x}/y_{y}/{time:%Y}/{time:%m}/{time:%d}/LS_WATER_3577_{x}_{y}_{time:%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f}
predictor: 2
no_overviews: ["source", "observed"]
default_resampling: average
white_list: None
black_list: None
Note: no_overviews
contains the key words of the band names which one doesn't want to generate overviews.
This element cannot be used with other products as this 'cause it will match as source'.
For most products, this element is not needed. So far, only fractional cover percentile use this.
Scan through S3 bucket for the specified product and fetch the file path of the uploaded files. Save those file into a pickle file for further processing. Uses a configuration file to define the file naming schema.
Compares ODC URI's against an S3 bucket and writes the list of datasets for COG conversion into a file.
Uses a configuration file to define the file naming schema.
Bulk COG Convert netcdf files to COG format using MPI tool. Iterate over the file list and assign MPI worker for processing. Split the input file by the number of workers, each MPI worker completes every nth task. Also, detect and fail early if not using full resources in an MPI job.
Reads the file naming schema from the configuration file.
Verify converted GeoTIFF files are (Geo)TIFF with cloud optimized compatible structure.
Mandatory Requirement:
gdal file.