GeospatialResearch / gri-earthquake

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GRI-Earthquake is an example project used to develop the work-in-progress Geospatial Web Framework developed in the Geospatial Research Institute Toi Hanagarau. This application is used to visualise the location, magnitude, and depth of earthquakes within New Zealand.


Setup for local development

This project consists of two parts, a client web app in client/, and a web server REST API in server/.


Required Software

Required Credentials

Running development environment from source

  1. Begin by installing required software python3, pip and npm.

  2. Install server dependencies:

    1. Create virtual environment:
      # From the root directory of the project
      cd server/
      # Create and activate virtual environment
      pip install virtualenv
      virtualenv venv
    2. Activate virtual environment:

      • Windows:

      • Linux:

        source venv/bin/activate
    3. Install Python packages:
      pip install -r requirements.txt 
  3. Install client dependencies:

    # From the root directory of the project
    cd client/
    # Install node packages from package.json
    npm install
    # Build decoder bundle
    npm run build:harp-gl-decoder

    At this stage you must also have an access token for mapping. This can be created for free by first creating a freemium project with the Here API.
    After this you must retrieve a Here XYZ API Access Management Token by visiting this link and selecting Generate Token under the Access Management tab and selecting all features.

    Then create a local environment file proj_root/client/.env.local and fill it with the token copied from the site above.

    # proj_root/client/.env.local
  4. Running development app:

    1. Server:
      # From project root
      cd server/src/server/
      flask run
    2. Client (in a new terminal window or with server running in background):
      # From project root
      cd client/
      npm run serve
  5. Opening app:
    Open the client web address in your browser. The address will be listed in the terminal used for starting the client.

If you wish to remove excessive warnings about source maps from the dev console in your browser, then disable JavaScript source maps.
To do this in Chrome go to dev tools Settings > Preferences > Sources and disable Enable JavaScript source maps.

Deploying application to production deployment

We use docker-compose to deploy to the server, so see docker-compose docs for installation instructions.

With docker-compose installed, a docker daemon service running on your server, and ports 5000 and 80 open, follow these instructions:

  1. Find your Here API token by following the instructions for creating an access token above.
  2. Add the Here API token to your shell environment variables.
    echo "export HERE_MAPS_TOKEN=enter_your_access_token_here" >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc
  1. Enter the folder you wish to store the source and clone the repository.
    git clone
  1. Build the application.
    cd gri-earthquake
    docker-compose build
  1. Deploy the application.
    docker-compose up

Repository structure

└───client # files used in the client-side application, run in the user's browser  
└───server # files used in the server-side application, used to store data and perform intensive tasks

See also: client README and server README


Please see our Issue Tracker for details on coming features and additions to the software.

There is no current expectations of contributions to this project. We accept input in code reviews now. If you would like to be involved in the project, please contact the maintainer.
The Geospatial Web Framework that is being created alongside this project will be opened to the public in the coming months. We will accept contributions to that project in the future.


Maintainer: Luke Parkinson @LukeParky
