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Switchyard Proof Of Concept (Example Project)
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Switchyard Proof Of Concept Project


We used JBoss Switchyard 1.1.0.Final (maven dependencies) for implementation and Unit Tests and Switchyard 2.0.0.Alpha2 as a target platform.


The purpose of the project is to demonstrate how an enterprise application integration scenario can be implemented using JBoss Switchyard as an integration platform.


A company Z is a large telecom provider. Its services include internet and tv over cable. An internal ERP system generates a lot of provisioning messages (about 500.000) every month. Provisioning messages are for example new product or services orders over web shop and selfcare center, products cancellations and configurations, activation requests, reports etc. The company operates also different internal systems to process the provisioning messages:

These systems have different interfaces. Incognito provides a REST-service that can be called via HTTP. Motion is implemented as a shell script. Conax listens a directory in file system and processes files appearing there.

The company has an old middleware system "gluing" all subsystems together. The typical processing scenario can be presented as following:

  1. The ERP system generates large batch file containing thousands of messages.
  2. A middleware preprocessor parses and splits batch file into single messages that are sent into a router queue.
  3. A middleware router analyses each message from the queue and performs an action according the message type:
    • If it is a mail message it will be transfered to the mail subsystem that invokes the motion script.
    • If it is an internet message the corresponding subsystem takes it and invokes incognito rest-service.
    • The digital tv messages will be processed by DIGITV subsystem that transforms them into conax binary format and saves into specified directory in file system.
  4. Each subsystems report processing results into the common ERP Message queue.

As the middleware became obsolete the company decides to migrate it to a modern platform. Solution must be inexpensive and easy to use and maintain. New system should not contain a lot of code and must be easy to configure. As a result the "JBoss Switchyard" was selected as a lightweight service providing middleware layer to integrate these systems. Switchyard is able to ideally fullfil such requirements as transparent data transformation, effective parsing and routing. An additional benefit is that the system can be easily scaled to support more services.

Installation and configuration of IDE

Eclipse Kepler can be used as an IDE for Development of SY-Applications. Additionally Jboss Tools Integration Stack (JBTIS) is necessary for using of graphical Editor for Switchyard:

  1. In Eclipse open: Help – Install New Softwate – Add
  2. Add a new entry with the name e.g. "SY-Dev" and the url ""
  3. Check components: Switchyard, Switchyard BPEL Support, Swithyard BPM Support
  4. Install selected plugins
  5. Restart Eclipse
  6. Open Window – Preferences – XML – XML Files – Validation. Sure that "Honour all XML schema locations" is unchecked.

Eclipse is ready.

Installation and configuration of Switchyard

Example: ./ ~/Downloads/ ~/Downloads/ switchyard 0 ~/jbosses/jboss-switchyard 8

* Adjust environment configuration example.env to your execution environment

Variables to be configured:

PROJECT_HOME directory where project was cloned to JBOSS_HOME directory where JBoss instance is installed ADMIN_PORT 9999 for AS 7, 9990 for Wildfly MOTION path to the motion subsystem script (must not be changed) CONAX_HOME path to the conax subsystem home directory BATCH_DIR path to the directory that will be listened for batch files SIMULATION_DIR path to the directory for input and result messages for simulation

Only two first variables are needed to be adjusted. The remaining ones can be used as is without changes.
* Configure JBoss for Switchyard PoC Application

` --env=example.env --configure`

This script will create all necessary system properties and JMS queues in JBoss instance as well as all necessary directories.

The JBoss instance is now ready.

## Build and deployment

For build and deployment of the application the `` script in the root of project directory is provided.
Script format:

/ --env= [--all] [--sy-common] [--sy-main] [--sy-simulation] [--configure] [--skip-tests] [--help] --env path to environment configuration file (definition of JBOSS_HOME, ADMIN_PORT, MOTION, CONAX_HOME ...) --all perform build and deployment of all subprojects --sy-: perform build and deployment of corresponding subproject (common, main or simulation) --configure perform necessary jboss and environment configuration steps --skip-tests use maven with -DskipTests --skip-tests show help dialog


* *common* contains classes that are common for all subprojects like utilities, common interfaces etc. If
some classes are changed in this project the application must be rebuilt with the key `--all`
* *simulation* contains classes, scripts and SY-application for simulating *conax*, *motion* and *incognito* subsystems.
If some classes are changed in this project the application must be rebuilt with the key `--sy-simulation`
* *main* contains main switchyard application. If some classes or configuration classes are changed,
application must be rebuilt with the key --sy-main

Example: `./ --env=default.env --sy-main --skip-tests`

This information can be useful for first run:

* To trigger application it is sufficient to copy a batch file into batch directory.
* By default the batch directory is `$PROJECT_DIR/tmp/batch`
* Default batch file with a single message is `sy-poc-main/src/test/resources/single_request.xml`
* Default batch file with two messages is `sy-poc-main/src/test/resources/batch_request.xml`
* By default the result of execution will be saved under `$PROJECT_DIR/tmp/simulation/result`

To control JBoss instance use *instance name* command in shell (switchyard by default).

For example 

* `switchyard start` starts the server.
* `switchyard log` displays server log.
* `switchyard help` shows help screen.