A PowerShell script that converts an MT940 statement to JSON. Works with:
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On Windows - Insert the _MT940Converter.psm1 file in _C:\Users\xxxx\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\MT940Converter path (the name of the folder need to be the same as the name of the file). This way you won't need to import module into powershell session
Process_Ing_MT940 -filelocation "C:\users\xxxx\Downloads\statement.sta"
Put the _MT940Converter.psm1 file anywhere and import this module into Powershell session
Import-Module C:\Users\xxxx\source\repos\MT940-Converter\Powershell\MT940_Converter.psm1
$savelinetovariable = Process_Ing_MT940 -filelocation "C:\users\xxxx\Downloads\statement.sta"
Remove-Module -Name MT940_Converter
Put the module in the right location like in Easiest way example or import it like in More complicated way example
foreach($sta in Get-ChildItem("C:\users\xxxx\Downloads\") -Filter *.sta){
$jsonFile = "C:\users\xxxx\Downloads\statement\statement_" + $sta.Name.Substring($sta.Name.LastIndexOf("__")+2,$sta.Name.LastIndexOf(".")-$sta.Name.LastIndexOf("__")-2) + ".json"
Process_Ing_MT940 -filelocation $sta.FullName | Out-File $jsonFile
$json = Process_Ing_MT940 -filelocation $sta.FullName
$query = "Insert into rawJson (rj_json) Values ('$json')"
#Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance '.\dev2017' -Query $query -Database 'statements'