GeraultTr / Root_CyNAPS

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Root-CyNAPS : Root Cycling Nitrogen Across Plant Scales

An architectured FSPM root model to simulate nitrogen acquisition and rhizodeposition


This module aims at simulating explicit processes of root nitrogen uptake and rhizodeposition by aggregating a segment-scale nutrient balance model over the root system architecture.


Installation option 1 : stable installation with docker (about 6Gb)

  1. First, download the docker engine :

  2. Then create a project directory (example : PythonProjects), and clone this repository from command line :

    cd .../PythonProjects
    git clone
  3. Finally, build the docker image with the following command

    cd root_cynaps
    docker image build -t root_cynaps .
    docker run root_cynaps

(For developpers, build this image directly into your IDE)'

Installation option 2 : more classic but unstable installation with conda + mamba (about 4Gb)

First, clone the repository :

git clone

Intall the lastest version of conda :

Then, install necessary packages with the following requirements files. cd to the root_cynaps directory, then :

Running example code

cd to the simulations/running_example folder, then run :
