Gerkiz / RPG

A Diablo like RPG stats system - now with magic!
The Unlicense
5 stars 3 forks source link



RPG Settings


Mod Settings

These settings can be changed ONLY at startup.


These settings can be changed at any time by an admin.




Remote Interface

The following remote interfaces exist for other developers to utilize:


Adding new projectiles should be fairly simple. Note, this cannot be used if game has been initialized.

By calling:

local projectile = { -- reference to the interface call
    name = 'cluster-grenade', -- the projectile to create
    count = 1, -- the amount of projectiles to spawn
    max_range = 32, -- the max range the projectile can travel
    tick_speed = 1, -- currently not used
}"RPG", "add_new_projectile", "projectile_name", projectile) -- projectile_name is what you're gonna reference when wanting to create this projectile


Adding new spells should be fairly simple. Note, this cannot be used if game has been initialized.

By calling:

local spell = { -- reference to the interface call
    name = {'spells.drone_mine'}, -- localized text, reference this in your own mod
    entityName = 'stone-wall', -- the entity to spawn
    target = false, -- false if the spell should not hit anything
    force = 'player', -- in string, what force this entity should be
    level = 200, -- the level limit before a player can use it
    type = 'special', -- item/entity/special
    mana_cost = 1000, -- mana cost of the spell
    cooldown = 18000, -- cooldown for the spell. global cooldown must NOT be disabled, else use enforce_cooldown
    enabled = true, -- if the spell should be enabled or not (if players can use it)
    enforce_cooldown = true, -- if global cooldown is disabled, use this if you want to have a cooldown
    log_spell = true, -- currently does nothing
    sprite = 'virtual-signal/signal-info', -- the sprite when viewing the spell "book"
    special_sprite = 'virtual-signal=signal-info', -- if this is a special spell, this needs to be set
    tooltip = 'Creates a drone that mines entities around you. This is a WIP spell that might get disabled.', -- the tooltip, either localized or as string
    callback = function(data) -- the callback to what to actually do with the spell
        -- NOTE! the callback automatically includes: data and funcs, use them if you want.
        -- local data = { --- data consists of the following
        --     self = spell, -- self reference to the spell
        --     player = player, -- the player who is casting the spell
        --     damage_entity = damage_entity, -- the damage to be done if this is an entity
        --     position = position, -- the position to spawn this spell at
        --     surface = surface, -- the surface to spawn this spell at
        --     force = force, -- the spell force
        --     target_pos = target_pos, -- the target position to "hit"
        --     range = range, -- the range for spell
        --     tame_unit_effects = tame_unit_effects, -- unused
        --     rpg_t = rpg_t -- the global rpg table of the player
        -- }
        -- local funcs = {
        --     remove_mana = Public.remove_mana, -- reference to Functions.remove_mana, i.e remove mana from the player
        --     damage_player_over_time = Public.damage_player_over_time, -- if the spell should damage the player over time
        --     cast_spell = Public.cast_spell -- if the spell was cast or failed
        -- }

        local self = data.self -- spell reference
        local player = data.player -- player who is casting the spell
        Ai.create_char({player_index = player.index, command = 2, search_local = false}) -- do something

        Public.cast_spell(player) -- the spell was success, else call cast_spell(player, true)
        Public.remove_mana(player, self.mana_cost) -- remove mana from the player if the spell was casted successfully
        return true -- either return true or false if the spell was casted successfully
}"RPG", "add_new_spell", spell)


None? Let me know if you run into any issues.


This version of RPG is the one that will be always up to date. We run this module in our scenario that we host at Comfy.