GerryDazoo / Slinger

Reuse SlingBox hardware without SlingBox Servers
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after upgrade to v3.08 status no more work #209

Closed alfuxj closed 1 year ago

alfuxj commented 1 year ago

before upgrade status in remote web page display how many client connection , now no more only say waiting for first client . is my configuration problem or have a bug?

GerryDazoo commented 1 year ago

Maybe a bug. Please reply with contents of your remote config file. It is working for me here. Please also reply with the server output.

alfuxj commented 1 year ago

i use the remote inside . version 3.07 work perfect for me . maybe i have misconfiguration.
this is my config.ini

[SLINGBOX] sbtype="350/500/M1/M2" ;sbtype="Solo/Pro/ProHD" ;sbtype="240" password=xxxxxxxxxxxx ; uncomment the next lines ipaddress and port with your local network info ; if you don't want the server to automatically find your ; slingbox on the local network. Needed if server and slingbox are ; not on the same LAN segment. Also removes requirement for the netifaces module port=5201 ; Repace with your finderid, If and only if you need remote access and don't ;have a static ip and you plan on using my service to access you server remotely. ; Please read the release notes. Most people don't need this. ;finderid=BAD95DAED609364Cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

;If you've got more than one slingbox set name. THe server will use this when generating ; logs to make it easier to see what's going on. ;name=something

; Following are the default values ; Default resolution when server starts. You can change this and reconnect without having to restart the server ; valid range = 1..15 Resolution=12

; Valid Values 1, 6, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60 depending on resolution FrameRate=30

;Min 50 Max 8000 VideoBandwidth=4000

; Min 0 (auto) max 63 ;VideoSmoothness=63

; Send Iframe every n seconds Max 30 ;IframeRate=5

; Audio Bit Rate. Valid Options 16, 20, 32, 40, 48, 64, 96 Default 32 AudioBitRate=32

; Video Source 0, 1, 2, 3 depending on your hardware corrosponds to one of ;Composite, Component, HDMI or Tuner. ;ProHD 0=Tuner, 1=composite 2=svideo 3=component ;Solo, M1 0=composite 1=Svideo 2=component ;500 0=composite, 1=component, 2=HDMI ; If you don't set this the code will use the last configired input ; I recommend setting this value. If not set correctly you'll often only see a black screen. VideoSource = 2

[SERVER] ; local port number for the server to listen on for connections port=8082 maxstreams=10 enableremote=yes

[REMOTE] ; see release notes for changing this if your remote doesn't work, But as a start make it ;the same as your configured VideoSource 0-3. See above. code=1 ; path to an external remote control definitions file, if the defaults ; aren't working for you or you want to change the format of the web page. ; use the supplied remote.txt as a starting point. ;include=remote.txt

alfuxj commented 1 year ago

i use debian 10 and ubuntu 20 with same result

alfuxj commented 1 year ago

you wrote "Please also reply with the server output." you mean this ?

● sling.service - SlingBox Server Service Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/sling.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Tue 2022-11-01 11:11:52 GMT; 36min ago Main PID: 5189 (python3) Tasks: 4 (limit: 1136) Memory: 27.4M CGroup: /system.slice/sling.service └─5189 /usr/bin/python3 -u

GerryDazoo commented 1 year ago

It's a bug. Here's a quick patch for the python code. Replace "section_name" with "box_name" on line 933.

alfuxj commented 1 year ago

yes work perfect , thank you , my slingbox is in italy , the linux server is in germany , and i watch tv from china , is 2 days work perfect never lost connection , but i use nginx rtmp to relay the stream . thank you for your work and fast help

smt171 commented 1 year ago

Version 3.08 of what? The remote configuration? Hardware upgrade?

smt171 commented 1 year ago

Is there a certain firmware we need to be on for Slinger to work? For M1? 500?