GerryDazoo / Slinger

Reuse SlingBox hardware without SlingBox Servers
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Cannot get VLC to view stream #284

Closed PeteSki1618 closed 1 year ago

PeteSki1618 commented 1 year ago

This type of configuration is WAY above my expertise. However, I have successfully configured the config.ini file, ran the EXE program (results below) which finds the Slingbox Pro (I noticed some people had issues after the shutdown but mine existed before, as well). When I run VLC using the Open Network Stream, Network Protocol and click Play, nothing happens. If I make changes to the Config.ini file I get an error message but at present I get no errors but no video. Also, no matter what password I put in, I do not get any changes (no errors) so is there a way to see if the password is incorrect? I'm pretty sure I have the correct one but several were listed when I ran your script but none give an error. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am lost without my Slingbox. Below is the stream from the EXE:

Version : 3.08d Running on Windows-10-10.0.22621-SP0 pid= 11072 Using config file config.ini Connection Manager Running on port 5001 with 10 max streams using URL slingbox. Streamer Running: 10 config.ini SLINGBOX 5001 5001 8388608 starting up on port 5001 8388608 Checking for slingbox at ('', 5001) ('', 5001) OK 5001 Using slingbox at ('', 5001) Streamer: 5001 Waiting for first stream, flushing any IR requests that arrive while not connected to slingbox

tom76017 commented 1 year ago

VLC needs the IP address of your server and port not the Slingbox. http://_**IP-windowsPC**_:8080/slingbox

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Edit, my bad. Both server and Slingbox are on port 5001. http://_**IP-windowsPC**_:5001/slingbox. I just copied the 8080 on the server from the original README.txt

GerryDazoo commented 1 year ago

Based on your config ( Why did you change the server port default from 8080 to 5001?


You'll know if your password is wrong when you try to start the first stream

PeteSki1618 commented 1 year ago

Sorry, yes I did put (sorry for the mistype) but nothing happens at all. I have been using port 5001 for many years with no problems so I just left it that way. As you can see from the EXE results, it DOES find it at that address. If you think I should change it to 8080, I can. Thanks again for your help.

GerryDazoo commented 1 year ago

Well, the code isn't that smart. All it checks is there is something responding to connection requests at that address. What port do you have in the config [SERVER] port=xxxx is the IP address of the slingbox according to the logs. DO NOT use that in your streaming request. Use the IP address for the box running the server. You connect to the server not the slingbox.

Use xxxx in your streaming request.

PeteSki1618 commented 1 year ago

Please pardon my ignorance. As I said, I am very limited when it comes to this type of thing. I do have port=5001 in the config.ini. However, I was using the IP address of the Slingbox (254) in VLC. I'm not sure what you mean by "the box running the server". In my router I have listed the IP address of my computer, the Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, Primary and Secondary DNS Servers. Do I use one of those? By the way, I really appreciate your help and will gladly contribute if I can get it up and running.

jkaponis commented 1 year ago