GerryDazoo / Slinger

Reuse SlingBox hardware without SlingBox Servers
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Any other way to retrieve Admin Password? #295

Closed hjhirsch closed 1 year ago

hjhirsch commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for this.... Unfortunately I was unable to obtain Admin password from URL even though I accessed once via the link in time.

I was wondering if there is another way to skin this cat? Today while I was on the same network as Slingbox (11/14/2022) via my Samsung Note, I was able to control Slingbox and stream locally to my phone but then I messed up and tried to access remotely, after that I was no longer able to access or stream again.

Do you think I can find the admin password somewhere on my Android phone (in some cache), other phones I have not used in a while? Perhaps if I reload the Sling Desktop software (I remember a special ID when I first installed) or look at an older XP computer that used to access my sling?

Grasping at strawas trying to keep my Sling alive.... Thanks in advance!