GerryDazoo / Slinger

Reuse SlingBox hardware without SlingBox Servers
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Works great when I run python code in Thonny Python IDE, but #299

Closed skijohn877 closed 1 year ago

skijohn877 commented 1 year ago

Works great when I run python code in Thonny Python IDE on my raspberry pi, but when I copy sling.service and try to enable with systemctl it gets an error -

root@pihole:/tmp# cat sling.log File "", line 363 nonlocal sid, seq, s_ctl, dbuf, skey, stat, smode ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

GerryDazoo commented 1 year ago

Your using python2. THe software requires python3

skijohn877 commented 1 year ago

Thanks, works great now