GetAurox / Aurox-Wallet

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[Feature Request] Make Anti-phishing Mnemonic check more generic #1

Open AlexanderKoehn opened 1 year ago

AlexanderKoehn commented 1 year ago

Currently the wallet 'only' checks the managed mnemonics and thus fails to check mnemonics of hw based addresses, since it cannot access them. Proposal: instead of checking against the user specific mnemonics, check against the word dictionary. This could also be done for private keys in a similar way.

AuroxDeFi commented 1 year ago

Do you mean for the anti-phishing?

AlexanderKoehn commented 1 year ago

Do you mean for the anti-phishing?

Yes! I've updated the title

AuroxDeFi commented 1 year ago

It's possible but it will need to be tested since it might introduce variety of edge cases. Since the dictionary contains 2048 words, it might:

  1. Increase computer resource usage causing potential lagging when user is typing.
  2. False positives since some words could be typed in a row by the user when writing an email, message, etc..

It's possible to avoid the second issue by waiting until the user types in 6 or more out of the 12 mnemonics in a row, but certain phishing pages log the input form even if the user doesn't submit it. Which could potentially allow a very persistent attacker to bruteforce the remaining words. Especially if it's a spear phishing campaign with the attacker knowing the victim has significant holdings.

Here is an article on someone bruteforcing 4 unknown words out of the 12 in less than 30 hours:

Although 6 unknown words would require exponentially more time, the less words that we allow the user to type in before triggering the warning, the better.

As long as the above 2 problems can be resolved properly, your solution does make sense and would help expand protection to hardware wallets. We'll try to implement it and test it.