GetAurox / Aurox-Wallet

💳 Simplest and safest way to access your crypto wallet and the blockchain ⛓️
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Aurox Browser Extension Wallet

Aurox Wallet is an innovative web3 browser extension that provides industry-leading security measures, a simple user experience, and full data analytics to help users safely store and use their crypto and NFTs.

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Help make Aurox Wallet even better!

There's multiple ways you can contribute to help us improve the Aurox Wallet.

Setup Locally


Once you have built the extension, it will output the extension files in the ./dist/ directory. To install it, go to your Chromium based browser's extension settings.

  1. Enable developer mode.
  2. Click the "load unpacked" button.
  3. Select the ./dist/ folder when prompted to select folder.

Editing .env file

The .env file contains API keys for variety of endpoints that are required to make the Aurox Wallet fully operational.

You can acquire free or free trial version of API keys from the following services by visiting their respective websites:

The only API key that is not available publicly is the GRAPHQL_LEECHER_X_API_KEY. This API key is for the Aurox Backend API. Our backend serves as a layer above the blockchain to provide data and analytics to the wallet. This includes portfolio charts, token USD prices, auto token importing and a variety of other functions that improve the user experience of the Aurox Wallet.

Our company will provide our backend API key on a per-request basis. If you would like a personal API key, please contact

To build the project without the GRAPHQL_LEECHER_X_API_KEY, simply set the value to 0:


Although the project will still build and install, some of the functionalities will not be available without the API key.

Contributing code

There are two ways you can contribute to the codebase:

Bugs, fixes, and other small items

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a pull request.
  3. Our team will review and merge.

    Larger implementations such as fulfilling feature requests

If you are looking to implement larger functionalities or fulfill feature requests made by other users, Aurox will soon open up bounties for certain features on Gitcoin.

Please read the following two files before writing any code or creating a pull request.