GetDKAN / dkan_feedback

User feedback on published data
1 stars 1 forks source link

What is DKAN Feedback?

DKAN Feedback is a module allow users and visitors to add feedback on the published data. Published feedbacks can be up voted or down voted using the vote api.



This module needs to be built using drush make before being enabled. If you download only the module you will miss key dependencies for required modules and libraries.

To install:

cd <path to modules directory>
git clone
drush make --no-core <path to modules directory>/dkan_feedback/dkan_feedback.make
drush en dkan_feedback


We are working on improving this documentation. Please let us know if you have any questions in the mean time.


Please follow the (Ticket Template)[] when creating new tickets.

Also, please remember to reference the issue across repositories in order for maintainers to pick up commits and pull requests looking at the issue. You can do that for commits like this:

git commit -m "Issue NuCivic/dkan_feedback#<issue_number>: ..."

Just replace with the actual issue number. You can reference pull requests exactly like that if you add the same text "NuCivic/dkan_feedback#" in a comment.

This really help us detecting changes and pulling them in in faster.