GetJobsSg / jobseeker_mobile

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  1. Node >= 14.x
  2. Android Studio >= 4.x, Android SDK >= 29, Android NDK >= 20.1.5948944
  3. Xcode >= 13.0
  4. If you are using VSCode, please install these extensions to help you see the linting error whenever your code not match to a coding rules

Quick Start

git clone repo

npm install
cd ios
pod install
cd ..

npm run ios
# or
npm run android

Running application on device


  1. Run command xcrun instruments -s devices to list down simulator/device id connected to ur macbook
  2. Go to package.json and replace the device name react-native run-ios --device \"benson’s iPhone\" to your own ios device name/id
  3. Configure code signing
  4. npm run ios:device


  1. Run command adb devices to list down connected android device
  2. Go to package.json and replace the deviceId react-native run-android --deviceId='ce031713232e683203' to your own android deviceId
  3. npm run android:device


  1. Android - Getting 'The minCompileSdk (31) specified in a dependency's AAR metadata is greater than this module's compileSdkVersion (android-30)'