folder ( .svg format only! ). Make sure that the logo file's name matches the applink
that you specified in the JSON. {
"applink":"", // This is the identifier you use when connecting to Scatter
// For ScatterJS it is what you pass into ScatterJS.scatter.connect(applink)
// It should be only alphanumerical with no special characters or spaces excluding _ - and .
"name":"", // This is the name of your application, it should be in Title Case
"type":"", // A small tag showing what type of application this is
"description":"", // Short description of your application.
"url":"", // The URL to your application, or it's landing page.
"hasimage":"1", // Adding this specifies that you have added a logo to the /logos/ directory.
"subdomains":["*"],// Allows capturing subdomains under the same metas. '*' is a wildcard for all subdomains.
"token":"" // Allows you to pin a token to this app, so that token displays can link to app meta data
We are now enforcing strict categories. Please make sure that your app is categorized correctly or it will be rejected.
To request the addition of types into Scatter you need to PR both this README as well as the types.json
file in the root path of this repository.
The token
property allows you to pin an app to a specific token.
The structure for the token is:
Token properties must be all lowercase!
For example, the Everipedia token is:
If you are a web app, you will need to use your FQDN ( ie. get-scatter.com ) and not what you are passing into the connection.