GheodeAI / metaheuristic-designer

Framework for designing, testing and evaluating metaheuristic optimization algorithms.
MIT License
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evolutionary-algorithms genetic-algorithm metaheuristics optimization python


Documentation Status

This is an object-oriented framework for the development, testing and analysis of metaheuristic optimization algorithms.

It defines the components of a general evolutionary algorithm and offers some implementations of algorithms along with components that can be used directly. Those components will be explained below.

It was inspired by the article Metaheuristics “in the large” that discusses some of the issues in the research on metaheuristic optimization, sugesting the development of libraries for the standarization of metaheuristic algorithms.

Most of the design decisions are based on the book Introduction to evolutionary computing by Eiben, Agoston E., and James E. Smith which is very well expained and is highly recomended to anyone willing to learn about the topic.

This framework doesn't claim to have a high performance, specially since the chosen language is Python and the code has not been designed for speed. This shouldn't really be an issue since the highest amount of time spent in these kind of algorithms tends to be in the evaluation of the objective function. If you want to compare an algorithm made with this tool with another one that is available by other means, it is recomended to use the number of evaluations of the objective function as a metric instead of execution time.


The package is available in the PyPi repository (

To install it, use the pip command as follows:

pip install metaheuristic-designer


It is recomended that you create a virtual environment to test the examples.

This is done with the following commands:

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install .[examples]

Once you have activate the virtual environment, you can execute one of the examples like this:

python examples/


python examples/

To run the tests you need to install nox, to execute the tests use the command

nox test

Implemented components

This package comes with some already made components that can be used in any algorithm in this framework

Search strategies

The algorithms implemented are: Class name Strategy Params Other info
NoSearch Do nothing For debugging purposes
RandomSearch Random Search
HillClimb Hill climb
LocalSearch Local seach iters (number of neighbors to test each time)
SA Simulated annealing iter (iterations per temperature change), temp_init (initial temperature), alpha (exponent of the temperature change)
GA Genetic algorithm pmut (probability of mutation), pcross (probability of crossover)
ES Evolution strategy offspringSize (number of indiviuals to generate each generation)
HS Harmony search HSM, HMCR, BW, PAR
PSO Particle Swarm optimization w,c1,c2
DE Differential evolution
CRO Coral Reef Optimization rho,Fb,Fd,Pd,attempts
CRO_SL Coral Reef Optimization with substrate layers rho,Fb,Fd,Pd,attempts
PCRO_SL probabilistic Coral Reef Optimization with substrate layers rho,Fb,Fd,Pd,attempts
DPCRO_SL Dynamic probabilistic Coral Reef Optimization with substrate layers rho,Fb,Fd,Pd,attempts,group_subs,dyn_method,dyn_steps,prob_amp
VND Variable neighborhood descent
RVNS Restricted variable neighborhood search In progress
VNS Variable neighborhood search In progress
CMA_ES Covariance matrix adaptation - Evolution strategy Not implemented yet

Survivor selection methods

These are methods of selecting the individuals to use in future generations.

The methods implemented are: Method name Algorithm Params Other info
"Elitism" Elitism amount
"CondElitism" Conditional Elitism amount
"nothing" or "generational" Replace all the parents with their children Needs the offspring size to be equal to the population size
"One-to-one" or "HillClimb" One to one (compare each parent with its child) Needs the offspring size to be equal to the population size
"Prob-one-to-one" or "ProbHillClimb" Probabilitisc One to one (with a chance to always choose the child) p Needs the offspring size to be equal to the population size
"(m+n)" or "keepbest" (λ+μ), or choosing the λ best individuals taking parents and children
"(m,n)" or "keepoffspring" (λ,μ), or taking the best λ children λ must be smaller than μ
"CRO" A 2 step survivor selection method used in the CRO algorithm. Each individual attempts to enter the population K times and then a percentage of the worse individuals will be eliminated from the population Fd,Pd,attempts,maxPopSize Can return a population with a variable number of individuals

Parent selection methods

These are methods of selecting the individuals that will be mutated/perturbed in each generation

The methods implemented are: Method name Algorithm Params Other info
"Torunament" Choose parents by tournament amount, p
"Best" Select the n best individuals amount
"Random" Take n individuals at random amount
"Roulette" Perform a selection with the roullette method amount, method, F
"SUS" Stochastic universal sampling amount, method, F
"Nothing" Take all the individuals from the population


Class name Domain Other info
OperatorReal Real valued vectors
OperatorInt Integer valued vectors
OperatorBinary Binary vectors
OperatorPerm Permutations
OperatorList Variable length lists
OperatorMeta Other operators
OperatorLambda Any Lets you specify a function as an operator
The Operators functions available in the operator classes are: Method name Algorithm Params Domains
"1point" 1 point crossover Real, Int, Bin
"2point" 2 point crossover Real, Int, Bin
"Multipoint" multipoint crossover Real, Int, Bin
"WeightedAvg" Weighted average crossover F Real, Int
"BLXalpha" BLX-alpha crossover Cr Real
"Multicross" multi-individual multipoint crossover Nindiv Real, Int, Bin
"XOR" Bytewise XOR with a random vector N Int
"XORCross" Bytewise XOR between 2 vectors component by component Int
"sbx" SBX crossover Cr Real
"Perm" Permutate vector components N Real, Int, Bin, Perm
"Gauss" Add Gaussian noise F Real, Int
"Laplace" Add noise following a Laplace distribution F Real, Int
"Cauchy" Add noise following a Cauchy distribution F Real, Int
"Poisson" Add noise following a Cauchy distribution F Int
"Uniform" Add Uniform noise Low, Up Real, Int
"MutRand" or "MutNoise" Add random noise to a number of vector components method, N, optionaly: Low, Up, F Real, Int
"MutSample" Take a sample from a probability distribution and put it on a number of vector components method, N, optionaly: Low, Up, F Real, Int
"RandNoise" Add random noise method, optionaly: Low, Up, F Real, Int
"RandSample" Sample from a probability distribution method, optionaly: Low, Up, F Real, Int
"DE/Rand/1" Sample from a probability distribution F, Cr Real, Int
"DE/Best/1" Sample from a probability distribution F, Cr Real, Int
"DE/Rand/2" Sample from a probability distribution F, Cr Real, Int
"DE/Best/2" Sample from a probability distribution F, Cr Real, Int
"DE/Current-to-rand/1" Sample from a probability distribution F, Cr Real, Int
"DE/Current-to-best/1" Sample from a probability distribution F, Cr Real, Int
"DE/Current-to-pbest/1" Sample from a probability distribution F, Cr, p Real, Int
"PSO" Sample from a probability distribution w, c1, c2 Real, Int
"Firefly" Sample from a probability distribution a,b,c,g Real, Int
"Random" Sample from a probability distribution Real, Int, Bin, Perm
"RandomMask" Randomly sample a number of vector components N Real, Int
"Swap" Swap two components Perm
"Insert" Insert a component and shift to the left Perm
"Scramble" Scramble permutation order N Perm
"Invert" Reverse order of components Perm
"Roll" Roll components to the right N Perm
"PMX" Partially mapped crossover Perm
"OrderCross" Ordered crossover Perm
"branch" Choose one of the provided operators randomly Operators
"sequence" Apply all the provided operators in order Operators
"split" Apply each operator to a subset of vector components following the mask provided Operators
"pick" Manually pick one of the operators provided (setting the chosen_idx attribute) Operators
"Dummy" Assing the vector to a predefined value All
"Custom" Provide a lambda function to apply as an operator function All
"Nothing" Do nothing All


Initializers create the initial population that will be evolved in the optimization process.

Some of the implemente Initializers are: Class name Description Other info
DirectInitializer Initialize the population to a preset list of individuals
SeedProbInitializer Initializes the population with another initializer and inserts user-specified individuals with a probability
SeedDetermInitializer Initializes the population with another initializer and inserts a number of user-specified individuals into the population
GaussianVectorInitializer Initialize individuals with normally distributed vectors
UniformVectorInitializer Initialize individuals with uniformly random distributed vectors
PermInitializer Initialize individuals with random permuations
LambdaInitializer Initialize individuals with a user-defined function


Specifying the Encoding is optional but can be very helpful for some types of problems.

An encoding will represent each solution differently in the optimization process and the evaluation of the fintess, since most algorithm work only with vectors, but we might need other types of datatypes for our optimization.

Some of the implemented Encodings are: Class name Encoding Decoding Other info
DefaultEncoding Makes no changes to the input Makes no changes to the input
TypeCastEncoding Changes the datatype of the vector from T1 to T2 Changes the datatype of the vectorfrom T1 to T2
MatrixEncoding Converts a vector into a matrix of size NxM Converts a matrix to a vector with the .flatten() method
ImageEncoding Converts a vector into a matrix of size NxMx1 or NxMx3, each component is an unsigned 8bit number Converts a matrix to a vector with the .flatten() method
LambdaEncoding Applies the user-defined encode function|Applies the user-defined decode function

Benchmark functions

The benchmark functions you can use to test the algorithms are: Class name Domain Other info
MaxOnes Integer
DiophantineEq Integer
MaxOnesReal Real
Sphere Real
HighCondElliptic Real
BentCigar Real
Discus Real
Rosenbrock Real
Ackley Real
Weistrass Real
Griewank Real
Rastrigin Real
ModSchwefel Real
Katsuura Real
HappyCat Real
HGBat Real
SumPowell Real
N4XinSheYang Real
ThreeSAT Real
BinKnapsack Binary
MaxClique Permutation
TSP Permutation
ImgApprox Integer
ImgStd Integer
ImgEntropy Integer