Ghostkeeper / LynDJ

Music player aimed at DJing for swing socials
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
3 stars 0 forks source link


LynDJ is a desktop application designed for playing music for an audience. In particular, it is specialised to playing music for Lindy Hop socials. This DJ software allows playback of music easily and safely, and provides extra control and information for what is important for swing dancing.

Screenshot of the main interface

Main features


This application is supported on:

The file formats supported are:


There are several ways to install this application onto your computer. This outlines your options, from easy to hard. Each option includes instructions for various platforms. If your platform is not listed, please select the most similar platform (e.g. for Arch Linux, installation is probably similar to Ubuntu). Note that the instructions are written for a clean installation of the operating system. You might already have some of the prerequisites installed.

AppImage: Ubuntu 22.04 1. Download the latest AppImage file from the [releases]( of this repository. 2. Make the downloaded file executable by right-clicking on it, selecting "Properties" and under the "Permissions" tab checking the checkbox for "Allow executing file as program". Close the properties window. 3. Double-click the AppImage file in order to launch the application.
Installer: Windows 10 1. Download the latest installer from the [releases]( of this repository. 2. Double-click the downloaded file to launch the installer. 3. Progress through the steps outlined by the installer. It will ask you where to install the application. For the default location in Program Files, administrator rights will be needed. 4. At the end of the installation process, find the application in your start menu to launch it.
From source: Ubuntu 22.04 1. Install system dependencies. To do this, open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and type the following: ``` sudo apt install python3-pip git portaudio19-dev ``` 2. Download the source code of LynDJ. ``` git clone cd LynDJ ``` 3. Install LynDJ's Python dependencies. ``` python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt ``` 4. You can now run the application from the terminal inside of this directory, by executing: ``` python3 ```
From source: Windows 10 1. Install Python. Visit []( and download the latest version of Python for Windows, using the installer. Run the installer to install Python. It is suggested to check the option "Add python.exe to PATH". 2. Install Visual Studio Build Tools. Visit [its download page]( and download the build tools. Run the installer. Select the "Desktop development with C++" package. Once installation is completed, you can close the installer. 3. Install Git. Visit []( and download the latest version of Git for Windows. Run the installer to install Git. At the last screen of the installer, check that you wish to launch the Git terminal. 4. Open a Git terminal. Navigate to a directory where you want to download LynDJ to, and download LynDJ, by typing the following: ``` git clone ``` 5. Open a normal terminal as well (press Windows key, then type cmd). Navigate to the LynDJ folder that was just created by Git. Install LynDJ's dependencies by executing: ``` python -m pip install -r requirements.txt ``` 6. You can now run the application from the terminal inside of this folder, by executing: ``` python ```


For usage instructions, please refer to the documentation.


If you wish to modify this application, you can run the application from the source code as outlined above. However to distribute your modifications you can also create a build, which will make it easier for other people to install the application with your modifications. These are instructions to create a release build of this software.

Ubuntu 22.04 1. Install Git in order to download the source code. To do this, open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and type the following: ``` sudo apt install git ``` 2. Download the source code of LynDJ. ``` git clone cd LynDJ ``` 3. Run the script that generates an AppImage: ``` packaging/ ``` 4. Test the application by running the AppImage that was generated. ``` chmod +x LynDJ.AppImage ./LynDJ.AppImage ```
Windows 10 1. Install Python. Visit []( and download the latest version of Python for Windows, using the installer. Run the installer to install Python. It is suggested to check the option "Add python.exe to PATH". 2. Install Visual Studio Build Tools. Visit [its download page]( and download the build tools. Run the installer. Select the "Desktop development with C++" package. Once installation is completed, you can close the installer. 3. Install Git. Visit []( and download the latest version of Git for Windows. Run the installer to install Git. At the last screen of the installer, check that you wish to launch the Git terminal. 4. Open a Git terminal. Navigate to a directory where you want to download LynDJ to, and download LynDJ, by typing the following: ``` git clone ``` 5. Install the NSIS installer software. Visit []( and download the latest version of NSIS, using the installer. Run the installer to install NSIS. 6. Open a normal terminal (press Windows key, then type cmd). Navigate to the LynDJ folder that was created by Git. Then run the script that generates an installer: ``` packaging/windows.bat ``` 7. You should now have an installer called `LynDJ-installer.exe`. Test it by installing LynDJ and running the application it installs.