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Add MIDI support #16

Open thomasf opened 6 years ago

thomasf commented 6 years ago

MIDI in and or out support would be great, some trackers support MIDI to various extents.

This issue is primarily for gathering requirements and documentation


There are a bunch of midi interfaces for C64, most are cartrigdes, at least one of them are IEC based. A MIDI circuit design is very simple, mostly just an UART with a resistor and an opto isolator so some kind of extension board would probably be preferred.

I would want a solution that works for the largest possible user base, I don't know which trackers people are actually using these days but my research focus will be on SID-Wizard and defMON for the time being.


C64 midi/sync interfaces



A pic based MIDI input circuit which is connected via the IEC bus.

Note: this device draws 5v from the MIDI host which IIRC is not in the MIDI spec so this device might not always work.


A MIDI in/out/thru cartridge.

schematics + source code:

info page:


schematics + avr firmware source:

defMon Sync Adapter is an adapter for the Commodore 64 computer. It is used to synchronize a tracker called defMon with other music equipment. It connects to the user port and outputs the following signals:

It can only work as the master. It should also work with Prophet64.

Since this interface is connected to the user port it can coexist with 1541u without having to use multiple cartriges so it's probably not something that is terrible interesting to implement inside of u1541

C64 music programs supporting some kind of external interface option



defMON support generating clock sync to DINsync/MIDI using defmon-sync.


SID-Wizard supports MIDI note input with a large range of hardware interfaces.

;Multi-device MIDI-input library for the Commodore 64
;supports: HerMIDI, Sequential (SCI), Passport/Syntech,
;          Datel/JMS/Siel/C-LAB, Namesoft, Maplin, Moog Song Producer


receives midi notes and plays them directly



1541u MIDI hardware interface

USB midi

To avoid creating new circuitry a solution might be to add support for class compliant USB midi devices in the firmware.


SID-Wizard MIDI in handling code

;Multi-device MIDI-input library for the Commodore 64
;supports: HerMIDI, Sequential (SCI), Passport/Syntech,
;          Datel/JMS/Siel/C-LAB, Namesoft, Maplin, Moog Song Producer
;Year:2014, code: Mihaly Horvath (Hermit), NameSoft-info: Frank Buss
; $Id: MIDI-C64.asm 360 2014-02-15 14:50:28Z soci $

;====================== MIDIC64 External Settings ======================
.if !(MIDIC64_EXT_SETTING) ;if caller program sets it,inherit settings
MIDIC64_EXT_SETTING=0 ;upcoming settins for memory footprint reduction
MIDIC64_TX_ENABLE=0 ;whether to support Transmitting MIDI-data or not
MIDI_Legacy_support=1 ;standard/legacy extension-port devices using ACIA
MIDIC64_INC_EVENTS=1 ;whether 'EVENT' & 'GetEvent' routine is needed
MIDIC64_INC_NAMES=0 ;include names of devices?
MIDIbuffer_size=32 ;should be bigger than HerMIDI.MaxBuffSize (it uses)
MIDIC64_Watchdog_ini=200 ;0:no watchdog, 1..$ff: init value of watchdog
HerMIDI_support=1 ;enables support for HerMIDI Serial/IEC-port device
.if (HerMIDI_support!=0)
HerMIDI_INC_SYNCHR=1 ;if nonzero: synchron-mode READ gets included
HerMIDI_INC_ASYNCH=1 ;if nonzero: asynchron-mode READ gets included
HerMIDI_INC_DIRECT=0 ;if nonzero:DirectMode READ (DirecRx) gets included
HerMIDI_INC_EVENTS=0 ;if HerMIDI's 'GetEvent' routine included

MIDIC64 .block

;================ MIDIC64 Internal Constants & Settings ================
.if (MIDI_Legacy_support!=0)
;Control-Register's bits in Expansion port devices using ACIA chip:
RxIntEnable= bit7 ;1:Enable Receive-Interrupt, 0:Disable Rx-Interrupt
TxControl  = bit6 ;1:Transmits a Break level on the Transmit Data Output
TxIntEnable= bit5 ;1:Enable Transmit-Interrupt, 0: Disable Tx-Interrupt
WordSelect= 1*bit4+0*bit3+1*bit2 ;'101': 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop-bit
MIDIreset = 1*bit1+1*bit0 ;#03 to 'MIDIcontrol' register resets the ACIA
;Status-Register's bits in Expansion port devices using ACIA chip:
IntRequest  = bit7 ;Set 1 when: RxDataRfull/TxDataRempty/RxOverrun is on
ParityError = bit6 ;Set 1 on parity-error if 'WordSelect' has parity set
RxOverrun   = bit5 ;Is set to 1 when byte(s) were lost in data-stream
FramingError= bit4 ;Set 1 if latest received character improperly framed
ClearToSend = bit3 ;0:MIDI-device ready to receive, 1:MIDI-dev not ready
DataCdetect = bit2 ;0:no byte, 1:databyte interrupt,read Status to clear
TxDataRempty= bit1 ;Set to 1 when TX-register is ready for writing.
RxDataRfull = bit0 ;Set to 1 when RX-register is ready for reading.
MIDI_Legacy_list = [Sequential, Passport, DatelJMS, NameSoft, NameSoftIRQ, Maplin, MoogSP]
MIDI_Legacy_list = []
Maplin_support = 1*MIDI_Legacy_support
MoogSP_support = 1*MIDI_Legacy_support
;MSSIAH_support=0 ;no tech. info, probably in 'Legacy' group as well
;MIDI-device identifiers:
HerMIDI_ID=1 ;number/ID of HerMIDI device
Legacy_min=2 ;number/ID of 1st device in Legacy-category

;============================= JUMPTABLE ===============================
.if (*==$0000)
*=$C000 ;for standalone-build (pre-compiled form)
OPEN    jmp OpenDev ;don't forget to set Accumulator before (ControlCmd)
READ    jmp GetData ;'OPEN' should preceed,automatically selects Tx-mode
CLOSE   jmp CloseDev
EVENT   jmp GetEvent ;'jsr READ' should preceed this call to fill buffer
;Base Address+: 0:OPEN, 3:READ, 6:CLOSE, 9: EVENT

;======================== Variables, Arrays ============================
;Base Address+: $0c: Status, $0d: device-type/ID (if jumptable before)
Status     .byte $ff ;if zero, all OK, if nonzero it's error-code
DeviceID   .byte 0 ;MIDI-hardware type ID
;names corresponding to device-IDs (usable by caller programs)
EventBuffer .proc
        .fill MIDIbuffer_size,0

.if (MIDIC64_INC_NAMES!=0)
.enc screen
DevName .text "  NONE  ","HERMIDI ",MIDI_Legacy_list.DevName
.enc none

.if (MIDI_Legacy_support!=0)
MoogSP_ID=8 ;Used to distinguish Moog Song Producer device at init/close

ControlAdd .word MIDI_Legacy_list.MIDIcontrol
StatusAddr .word MIDI_Legacy_list.MIDIstatus
RxAddress .word MIDI_Legacy_list.MIDI_Rx
;TxAddress .word MIDI_Legacy_list.MIDI_Tx
InitDevVal .byte MIDI_Legacy_list.MIDIenable
IntrptType .byte MIDI_Legacy_list.IntType
IenableVal .byte MIDI_Legacy_list.IRQenable
rdCtrl  lda selfmodA
wrCtrl  sta selfmodA
rdStat  lda selfmodA
wrStat  sta selfmodA
.if (MIDIC64_Watchdog_ini!=0)
watchdog .byte MIDIC64_Watchdog_ini;to prevent loop,main-prg sets in every 20ms

;*********************** MAIN CROSS-HW ROUTINES ************************

;-------------------------------- OPEN ---------------------------------
OpenDev .proc ;reads control-info in A, opens/turns on MIDI-device
        .if (MIDIC64_INC_EVENTS!=0)
        lda #0
        sta GetEvent.ValuCnt+1 ;maybe we're in the middle of databytes
        sta GetEvent.CmdLeng+1
        lda #MIDI.Undefined    ;so prevent processing them after init
        sta GetEvent.Command+1
        ldx MIDIdev
        beq retOpen     ;0 means no/dummy MIDI-device
        cpx #Legacy_min
        bcs chLegac
        .if (HerMIDI_support!=0)
OpenHM  lda #HerMIDI_TX_MODE+HerMIDI_PacketSize
        jmp HerMIDI.PowerON ;OPEN

chLegac cpx #Legacy_max+1
        bcs chOther ;could go to other upper categories later
.if (MIDI_Legacy_support!=0) 
OpenLgc ;open standard/legacy MIDI-devices   
SetAddr txa ;MIDI-device-number in X
        asl ;*2
        lda (ControlAdd-Legacy_min*2)+0,y 
        sta rdCtrl+1
        sta wrCtrl+1
        lda (ControlAdd-Legacy_min*2)+1,y 
        sta rdCtrl+2
        sta wrCtrl+2
        lda (StatusAddr-Legacy_min*2)+0,y 
        sta rdStat+1
        sta wrStat+1
        sta GetData.StatusB+1
        lda (StatusAddr-Legacy_min*2)+1,y 
        sta rdStat+2
        sta wrStat+2
        sta GetData.StatusB+2
        lda (RxAddress-Legacy_min*2)+0,y 
        sta GetData.RxByte+1
        lda (RxAddress-Legacy_min*2)+1,y 
        sta GetData.RxByte+2
Reset   lda #MIDIreset
        jsr wrCtrl
        lda InitDevVal-Legacy_min,x ;set MIDI-device, disable NMI/IRQ
        jsr wrCtrl
        jsr SetMIDIintA
clrBuff lda #0 ;clear MIDIbuffer
        .if (MIDIC64_INC_EVENTS!=0)
        sta GetEvent.rdIndex+1
        sta GetData.WrIndex+1
chkStat jsr rdStat
        and #ClearToSend ;check if init successful
        sta Status
        bne retLega ;if unsuccessful, don't enable NMI/IRQ
startRx lda IenableVal-Legacy_min,x ; enable NMI/IRQ from MIDI interface
        jsr wrCtrl
        cpx #MoogSP_ID
        bne retLega
        lda #MoogSP.Control_Enable
        sta MoogSP.Control_Latch1
retLega rts
chOther ;no other devices yet...
retOpen rts

;-------------------------------- READ ---------------------------------
GetData .proc ;reads databytes and puts them into MIDI-databuffer
        ldx MIDIdev
        beq retData ;0 means no/dummy MIDI-device
        cpx #Legacy_min
        bcs chLegac
        .if (HerMIDI_support!=0)
         .if (MIDIC64_INC_EVENTS!=0 && HerMIDI_INC_EVENTS==0)
          lda #0 ;HerMIDI's buffer is not a ringbuffer
          sta GetEvent.rdIndex+1
         jmp HerMIDI.GetData ;READ

chLegac cpx #Legacy_max+1
        bcs chOther ;could go to other upper categories later
        .if (MIDI_Legacy_support!=0)
retLega rts ;nothing to do,IRQ/NMI based MIDI-devices use InterruptGetByte/etc
chOther ;no other devices yet...
retData rts

.if (MIDI_Legacy_support!=0)
        lda banksel
        lda #$35        ; enable IO
        sta banksel
StatusB lda selfmodA  ; test if it was a NMI/IRQ from the MIDI interface
        ;bpl +         ;if not, give control to host program's interrupt
chInput and #RxDataRfull ;test if note at input. If not, probably pulled off
        bne stInput   ;if no input cable maybe pulled off, prevent freeze?
+       pla           ; restore previous bank selection and end IRQ
        sta banksel
HostInt jmp selfmodA  ;jmp NMI/IRQ-continue with host-program's interrupt
stInput txa
RxByte  lda selfmodA  ; get MIDI byte and store in MIDIbuffer0
WrIndex ldx #selfmod
        sta MIDIbuffer,x
        cpx #MIDIbuffer_size
        bcc +
        ldx #0        ; this makes it behave as a ring-buffer
+       stx WrIndex+1
 .if (MIDIC64_Watchdog_ini!=0)
        dec watchdog
        bne IntEnd
        jsr CloseDev
IntEnd  pla         ; restore previous bank selection and end IRQ
IntEnd2 pla
        sta banksel
RTIcode rti ;check if not defined yet externally

;------------------------------- CLOSE ---------------------------------
CloseDev .proc ;disables / turns off the MIDI-device
        lda #$ff ;sign that device is switched off
        sta Status
        ldx MIDIdev
        beq rtClose ;0 means no/dummy MIDI-device
        cpx #Legacy_min
        bcs chLegac
        .if (HerMIDI_support!=0)
        jmp HerMIDI.PowrOFF ;CLOSE

chLegac cpx #Legacy_max+1
        bcs chOther ;could go to other upper categories later
.if (MIDI_Legacy_support!=0)
CloseLg lda #MIDIreset ;InitDevVal-Legacy_min,x ;disable NMI/IRQ
        jsr wrCtrl
        cpx #MoogSP_ID
        bne SetIntA
        lda #MoogSP.Control_Disable
        sta MoogSP.Control_Latch1
SetIntA lda IntrptType-Legacy_min,x
        bmi +
        jsr LdIRQad
        jmp setIRQ
+       jsr LdNMIad
        jmp setNMI
;        lda #<ROMRTI ;dummy, if host-program's NMI is under ROM
;        ldy #>ROMRTI
;        jmp setRNMI
;retLega rts 
chOther ;no other devices yet...
rtClose rts

;------------------------------- EVENT ---------------------------------
GetEvent .proc ;reads an event from the buffer to A,X,Y; C=1 if read out
        ldx MIDIdev
        beq rtGetBy ;0 means no/dummy MIDI-device
        cpx #Legacy_min
        bcs chLegac
       .if (HerMIDI_support!=0)
        .if (HerMIDI_INC_EVENTS!=0)
         jmp HerMIDI.GetEvent
        .else ;in MIDIC64 HerMIDI uses this instead of its own
         lda HerMIDI.BuffIndex
         jmp GetLevn
        sec ;tell host program there's no event for HerMIDI

chLegac cpx #Legacy_max+1
        bcs chOther ;could go to other upper categories later
.if (MIDI_Legacy_support!=0 || (HerMIDI_support!=0 && HerMIDI_INC_EVENTS==0))
        lda GetData.WrIndex+1
GetLevn sta chIndex+1
rdIndex ldx #selfmod ;keeps track where we are reading in the buffer
ValuCnt ldy #selfmod ;stored remaining amount of value-bytes
chIndex cpx #selfmod ;stored value of buffer write-index
        bne rdEbyte  ;sets Carry-flag=1 if buffer is read out and exits
BuffEnd sty ValuCnt+1 ;we'll pick up in next round where we left off
rdEbyte lda MIDIbuffer,x
        bpl StorVal ;status (command above $7F) or value (below $80) ?
        cmp #MIDI.RealTime_min ;transparent (command not stored)
        bcs AdvBuf3 ;if above (RealTime Messages), set Accumulator only
StorCmd sta Command+1
chkOMNI cmp #MIDI.OMNI_min ;all system messages will return immediately
        bcc VoicMsg
        ldy #0        ;System messages cancel 'running status' mode
        sty CmdLeng+1
        jmp AdvBuf3 
VoicMsg ldy #2 ;Y=2 ;pre-set for MIDI-commands that have 2-byte value
        and #%11100000 ;check bit5 and bit6 ($20 + $40), plus bit 7
        cmp #%11000000 ;if '110' it's $Cx or $Dx with only 1-byte value
        bne +
        dey    ;Y=1
+       sty CmdLeng+1 ;store length for 'running status' that may come
        jmp AdvBuf2
StorVal cpy #1      ;check if Y is 0 or 1 or 2 (0:'running status' case)
        bpl +       ;if Y != 0  (Y>=1), check which databyte to send
CmdLeng ldy #selfmod ;Y was 0,'running status', reusing previous command
        bne StorVal ;retain previous non-transparent status-byte (cmd)
+       beq StoVal2 ;if Y is 1, only the 2nd databyte is left
StoVal1 sta Value1+1
        dey ;advance to Value2;(Y=1 for MIDI-commands with 1-byte value)
AdvBuf2 inx ;advance in buffer
        cpx #MIDIbuffer_size
        bcc +
        ldx #0 ;this makes a ring-buffer behaviour for legacy devices
+       jmp chIndex
StoVal2 ldy #0
        sty ValuCnt+1 ;initialize databyte-counter for next message
        tay ;Y=Value2
Command lda #selfmod
AdvBuf3 inx
        cpx #MIDIbuffer_size
        bcc +
        ldx #0 ;this makes a ring-buffer behaviour for legacy devices
+       stx rdIndex+1  
Value1  ldx #selfmod ;and Value2 is Y
        clc ;tell caller that reading the buffer is not yet over
.fi ;end of checking MIDI_Legacy_support
chOther ;no other types of devices yet...
.fi ;end of checking MIDIC64_INC_EVENTS
rtGetBy sec

.if (MIDI_Legacy_support!=0) 
SetMIDIintA lda #<GetData.InterruptGetByte
        ldy #>GetData.InterruptGetByte
SetIntA pha ;inputs: X=DeviceID, A=low-addr, Y=hi-addr
        lda IntrptType-Legacy_min,x
        bmi setNMIg
setIRQg pla
        jsr setIRQ
LdIRQad lda #<IRQ
        ldy #>IRQ
        jmp +
setNMIg pla
        jsr setNMI
LdNMIad lda #<NMI
        ldy #>NMI
+       sta GetData.HostInt+1
        sty GetData.HostInt+2

setIRQ  php ;store I-flag
        sei ;disable interrupt during setting
        sta $fffe
        sty $ffff
        plp ;restore I-flag
setNMI  sta $fffa
        sty $fffb
setRNMI sta $0318 ;because NMI can even happen while ROM is turned on
        sty $0319

;******************* Device-specific values & codes: *******************

;========================== HerMIDI object =============================
.if (HerMIDI_support!=0)
HerMIDI.Status = Status
HerMIDI.MIDIbuffer = MIDIbuffer
HerMIDI .binclude "HerMIDI/HerMIDI-C64.asm" ;contains HerMIDI-device's routines
.fi ;end of HerMIDI_support checking

;========================= Sequential object ===========================
.if (Sequenti_support!=0)
Sequential .block
DevName = "SEQUENTL"
MIDIcontrol = $de00 ;write-only
MIDIstatus  = $de02 ;read-only
MIDI_Tx   = $de01   ;write-only
MIDI_Rx   = $de03   ;read-only
MIDIspeed= 1 
CounterDiv = (MIDIspeed==1) ? 0*bit1+1*bit0 : 1*bit1+0*bit0;div by 16/64
MIDIenable = WordSelect+CounterDiv ;IRQ is disabled with this value
IRQenable  = RxIntEnable+WordSelect+CounterDiv
IntType = IRQmode

;========================== Passport object ============================
.if (Passport_support!=0) ;PASSPORT/ (SYNTECH is the same)
Passport .block
DevName = "PASSPORT"
MIDIcontrol = $de08 ;write
MIDIstatus  = $de08 ;read
MIDI_Tx   = $de09   ;write
MIDI_Rx   = $de09   ;read
MIDIspeed= 1 
CounterDiv = (MIDIspeed==1) ? 0*bit1+1*bit0 : 1*bit1+0*bit0;div by 16/64
MIDIenable = WordSelect+CounterDiv ;IRQ is disabled with this value
IRQenable  = RxIntEnable+WordSelect+CounterDiv
IntType = IRQmode

;=========================== Datel object ==============================
.if (DatelJMS_support!=0) ;DATEL/SIEL/JMS/C-LAB (double-speed devices)
DatelJMS .block
DevName = "DATELJMS"
MIDIcontrol = $de04 ;write-only
MIDIstatus  = $de06 ;read-only
MIDI_Tx   = $de05   ;write-only
MIDI_Rx   = $de07   ;read-only
MIDIspeed= 2 
CounterDiv = (MIDIspeed==1) ? 0*bit1+1*bit0 : 1*bit1+0*bit0;div by 16/64
MIDIenable = WordSelect+CounterDiv ;IRQ is disabled with this value
IRQenable  = RxIntEnable+WordSelect+CounterDiv
IntType = IRQmode

;========================== NameSoft object ============================
.if (NameSoft_support!=0);codebase supported by Gartenzwerg(Frank Buss)
NameSoft .block
DevName = "NAMESOFT"
MIDIcontrol = $de00  ;write-only
MIDIstatus  = $de02  ;read-only
MIDI_Tx   = $de01    ;write-only
MIDI_Rx   = $de03    ;read-only
MIDIspeed= 1 
CounterDiv = (MIDIspeed==1) ? 0*bit1+1*bit0 : 1*bit1+0*bit0;div by 16/64
MIDIenable = WordSelect+CounterDiv ;NMI is disabled with this value
IRQenable  = RxIntEnable+WordSelect+CounterDiv
IntType = NMImode

;========================NameSoft-FB IRQ object =======================
.if (NameSoftIRQ_support!=0) ;NameSoft with FB uning IRQ instead of NMI
NameSoftIRQ .block        ;It's essentially the same as Sequential MIDI
DevName = "NAMESIRQ"
MIDIcontrol = $de00  ;write-only
MIDIstatus  = $de02  ;read-only
MIDI_Tx   = $de01    ;write-only
MIDI_Rx   = $de03    ;read-only
MIDIspeed= 1 
CounterDiv = (MIDIspeed==1) ? 0*bit1+1*bit0 : 1*bit1+0*bit0;div by 16/64
MIDIenable = WordSelect+CounterDiv ;NMI is disabled with this value
IRQenable  = RxIntEnable+WordSelect+CounterDiv
IntType = IRQmode

;=========================== Maplin object =============================
.if (Maplin_support!=0) ;Electronics - Maplin magazine (Vice/C64-midi.c)
Maplin .block
DevName = " MAPLIN "
MIDIcontrol = $df00 ;write
MIDIstatus  = $df00 ;read
MIDI_Tx   = $df01   ;write
MIDI_Rx   = $df01   ;read
MIDIspeed= 2 
CounterDiv = (MIDIspeed==1) ? 0*bit1+1*bit0 : 1*bit1+0*bit0;div by 16/64
MIDIenable = WordSelect+CounterDiv ;IRQ is disabled with this value
IRQenable  = RxIntEnable+WordSelect+CounterDiv
IntType = IRQmode

;====================== Moog Song Producer object ======================
.if (MoogSP_support!=0) ;Moog Song Producer
MoogSP .block
DevName = "MOOG SP."
MIDIcontrol = $de00 ;write (U17 "W")
MIDIstatus  = $de00 ;read  (U17 "W")
MIDI_Tx   = $de01   ;write (U17 "W")
MIDI_Rx   = $de01   ;read  (U17 "W")
;$de02: U18 "X" CR/SDR, $de03: U18 "X" TDR/RDR, 
;$de04: U19 "Y" CR/SDR, $de05: U19 "Y" TDR/RDR, 
;$de06: U20 "Z" CR/SDR, $de07: U20 "Z" TDR/RDR,
;$de08: Drum Trigger Latch 1 , $de09: Drum Trigger Latch 2
Control_Latch1 = $de0a ;set to $14 after init,set to $1C after disabling
Control_Enable  = $1C
Control_Disable = $14
;Control_Latch2 = $de0b
;$de0c, $de0d: FootSwitch inputs
MIDIspeed= 1 
CounterDiv = (MIDIspeed==1) ? 0*bit1+1*bit0 : 1*bit1+0*bit0;div by 16/64
MIDIenable = WordSelect+CounterDiv ;IRQ is disabled with this value
IRQenable  = RxIntEnable+WordSelect+CounterDiv
IntType = IRQmode

;=========================== MSSIAH object =============================
;Unfortunately no tech. info available for MSSIAH's MIDI-input
;DevName= " MSSIAH "

.cwarn(*>MaxAddr),"HerMIDI code & data shouldn't be over $d000!"

;===================== MISC. INTERNAL CONSTANTS ========================
MaxAddr=$cfff   ;code shouldn't be above this address (uses IO & KERNAL)
;binary bit-values
selfmod=$00    ;default value of self-modified immediate operands
selfmodA=$1111 ;default value of self-modified absolute address operands
ROMRTI=$ea86 ;the RTI command at the end of $EA31 IRQ routine

.bend ;end of 'MIDIC64' block

;===================== General Constants, Specs ========================
MIDI .block ;their adjacent bytes can be of values $00..$7F (bit7 off)
;MIDI-event numbers (called 'status bytes'...2nd Nybble is channel No.)
NoteOff    = $80 ;followed by 2 bytes: note-number,velocity
NoteOn     = $90 ;followed by 2 bytes: notenumber,velocity(if 0:NoteOff)
AfterTouch = $A0 ;followed by 2 bytes: note-number, strength
CommonCtrl = $B0 ;followed by 2 bytes: CC-number(see below), 7-bit value
PrgChange  = $C0 ;followed by 1 byte: patch/program number
ChPressure = $D0 ;followed by 1 byte value of channelpressure/aftertouch
PitchWheel = $E0 ;followed by 2 bytes: value high & low 7 bits
;Some OMNI (all channels) effects:
OMNI_min = $F0 ;all commands above this value are OMNI (no channel)
SysExMessg = $F0 ;many bytes (firm ID, data) can follow, ends with $F7
SongSelect = $F3 ;followed by song-number
SysExOver  = $F7 ;end of System-Exclusive message
RealTime_min=$F8 ;1-byte transparent commands above (no 'running status')
TimingClock= $F8 ;Timing Clock. Sent 24/QN when synchronization required
StartSqPlay= $FA ;Play current sequence. (Followed by Timing Clocks.) 
ContinueSeq= $FB ;Continue at the point the sequence was Stopped.
StopSeqPlay= $FC ;Stop the current sequence.
Undefined  = $FD ;can be used for signaling 'End of Data' if needed
ActiveSens = $FE ;no byte after
CC .block ;preceeded by $Bx, followed by 7-bit value (MSB bit7=0):
  BankSelect = $00
  ModWheel   = $01
  BreathCtrl = $02
  FootControl= $04
  PortamTime = $05
  ChanVolume = $07
  Balance    = $08
  Panning    = $0a
  Expression = $0b
  Effect1    = $0c
  Effect2    = $0d
  GeneralFx1 = $10
  GeneralFx2 = $11   ;Expression
  ;$20..$3f: the LSB for the CC-effects $00..$1f
  DamperPedal= $40   ;followed by switch-value: 0..$3f / $40..$7f
  Portamento = $41   ;followed by switch-value: 0..$3f / $40..$7f
  Sustenuto  = $42   ;followed by switch-value: 0..$3f / $40..$7f
  SoftPedal  = $43   ;followed by switch-value: 0..$3f / $40..$7f
  Legato     = $44   ;followed by switch-value: 0..$3f / $40..$7f
  Hold2      = $45   ;followed by switch-value: 0..$3f / $40..$7f
  Resonance  = $47   ;resonance/timbre/harmonic intensity  
  ReleaseTime= $48    ;Sound Controllers: $46..$4f
  AttackTime = $49
  Brightness = $4a   ;cutoff-frequency
  DecayTime  = $4b
  VibratoRate= $4c
  VibraDepth = $4d
  VibraDelay = $4e    ;General Purpose Controllers: $50..$$53
  PortamCtrl = $54
  ReverbFx   = $5b    ;Effects: 5b..$5f
  TremoloFx  = $5c
  ChorusFx   = $5d
  DetuneFx   = $5e
  PhaserDepth= $5f
  AllSoundOff= $78   ;Channel Mode Message followed by value $00
  ResetCtrler= $79   ;Channel Mode Message followed by value $00
  AllNoteOff = $7b   ;Channel Mode Message followed by value $00

; Information about the Motorola MC6850 ACIA chip:
;ACIA (Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter) Registers
;Bit: Control Register:          Status Register:  
;7     Receive Interrupt Enable   Interrupt Request (IRQ)
;6     Transmit Control 2         Parity Error (PE)
;5     Transmit Control 1         Receiver Overrun (OVRN)
;4     Word Select 3              Framing Error (FE)
;3     Word Select 2              Clear to Send (CTS) 
;2     Word Select 1              Data Carrier Detect (DCD)
;1     Counter Divide Select 2    Transmit Data Register Empty (TDRE)
;0     Counter Divide Select 1    Receive Data Register Full (RDRF)

; vim: sw=4 ts=4 syntax=asm:
thomasf commented 6 years ago

After further research I have decided that I'm personally only interested in the defMON sync interface and since that uses the user port it's probably better to just build myself one of those instead...

ktamas77 commented 6 years ago

This would be amazing though - to build MIDI functionality into the 1541 Ultimate!

rhalkyard commented 4 years ago

I've been thinking about this as well, and just thought I'd throw some ideas out there. Time permitting, I might try and put an implementation together this winter:

jpjokela commented 4 years ago

In case this helps, I've written a simple handler API for MIDI input on C64: Some discussion and working version here:!topic/kerberos-midi/xuK7lCEFQD8

Basically, you only need to define in arrays, which routines to JSR to, whenever the library has received the specific command. It handles running state, and it's possible to select from the previously mentioned 4 cartridge types in software. Only tested with Kerberos. Heavily dependant on CA65.

In addition to emulating the past MIDI cartridges, there could be a completely new version too. But what could / should it have? Perhaps this message type (and channel) filtering could be done "in hardware", along with data byte collecting, and an interrupt could be sent when all data bytes for interesting command have been received. Obviously it should handle running state too (MIDI protocol allows sending devices to reduce amount of data by in specific cases allowing to omit the command, if it's the same as for previous command)

Obviously support for the "past" MIDI carts is probably the most important thing.

Mangleuz commented 3 years ago

Hi all!

This thread has been asleep for a long time.

Has perhaps some of these suggestions gone into U64 firmware development for a 'later-to-be-released' version?

Masses of SID musicians would run to the U64 over this. To just plug a midi-keyboard into the USB and play would be a game changer for many of us, and as seen in this thread there's so much old and new software that could be used.

The most simple/basic implementation (DATEL simulation perhaps), not covering the countless myriads of possible variations in software/hardware would more than suffice for the average user.

GideonZ commented 3 years ago

I have experimented with MIDI input on the USB. I do seem to be able to catch the Midi bytes over the interface, but I still have to find the time to implement a MC6850 "mockup" to get the bytes to the C64. There are other things on the roadmap list that have priority, though.

Mangleuz commented 3 years ago

Thank you. Good to hear that it might be possible. On the topic of MIDI. I read threads that say that the DATEL cartridge (and others following the most common standard of the IO1 ($DE00) addressing space) will not work on the C64E and others that claim that it should work. Do you know?

GideonZ commented 3 years ago

It doesn't matter. I will not produce or sell DATEL cartridges.

Mangleuz commented 3 years ago

My question was more related to how well the U64E (which you do produce and sell) perform as a C64 in regard to handling the most common MIDI interfaces. But i'm sorry i am going offtopic in this thread.

ktamas77 commented 3 years ago

I am following this thread since a long time… 100% agreed, being able to use a standard modern midi keyboard with the U64E through usb (so c64 software would see it as any of the popular c64 midi interfaces internally) would be a huge game changer. One of the most outstanding feature of the c64 is it’s timeless original sound with the sid chip, if we could pair it up with any modern midi keyboard with USB it would actually save commodores & stop sid chip harvesting for audio devices/synths.

jpjokela commented 3 years ago

Well, it's rather frustrating having to swap 1541 Ultimate 2 to Kerberos whenever I want to use MIDI. More so, as it doesn't (still, I guess?) have even "SD2IEC level write support" (which would be enough for most MIDI needs), but will need separate drive / drive emulator, mostly I just stick to creating software, that doesn't need save at all.

As I commented previously, I see the past standards primarily for backwards compatibility, new software can be written either for old or new standards. In my opinion, there isn't really anything wrong with the old standards, but it would be nice, if I could get a complete MIDI message at once (except for sysex), and maybe have an option for the implementation to filter message by type (many keyboards send MIDI clock, even if you're just playing notes, and NoteOn and NoteOff would be enough)

It's really nice to hear that this idea isn't at least completely buried!

GideonZ commented 3 years ago

Well, it's rather frustrating having to swap 1541 Ultimate 2 to Kerberos whenever I want to use MIDI. More so, as it doesn't (still, I guess?) have even "SD2IEC level write support" (which would be enough for most MIDI needs), but will need separate drive / drive emulator, mostly I just stick to creating software, that doesn't need save at all.

This I don't understand? The 1541 Ultimate has had SD2IEC level write support for years. In the later versions this has even been extended and improved quite a bit.

jpjokela commented 3 years ago

This I don't understand? The 1541 Ultimate has had SD2IEC level write support for years. In the later versions this has even been extended and improved quite a bit.

Yes, but as I said, Kerberos doesn't. Yep, I can use 1541U2 as floppy emulator when using Kerberos, but it's more annoying to setup in stand alone mode (more cabling + "blind" use), and in any case, I'd prefer to be able to do everything on a single cartridge :)

ghost commented 2 years ago

I really love my 1541 Ultimate II+, everything works well, so thank you for this really great cartridge. But from this musical perspective it can do really more. I use mentioned above tracker defMON, which supports also two sid chips via SIDFX for example, so i can use 6 channels, which is great and i also have defMON sync adapter so i can sync to defMON for example any midi synth or via analog sync to analog synthesizer. But i also have Cynthcart, version 1.0 as cartridge and version 2.0 as software, and i really don't want buy another midi interface such as that Frank's Kerberos, just to play on Cynthcart from midi keyboard, if 1541 Ultimate II+ add midi support i can connect via usb port my keyboard. Additional question aside of midi is what is that Ultimate audio module with 7 channels and 8/16-bit samples support, it is normal pcm sample playback device? If someone adds support of this in tracker (defMON), then it can be incredible powerful device to compose music on, if i count everything, 2 sids (6 channels), midi sync and 7 channels of sampled audio.

ktamas77 commented 2 years ago

@martin-demsky 💯

anarkiwi commented 1 year ago

I have built an open source MIDI interface that uses the user port, for precisely this reason (so I can leave my u2+ installed): (there is SID Wizard and Station64 support, including a high performance MIDI clock following mode).

Ironically, while the author of defMON gave me the idea for this interface, defMON does not yet support it (but I believe the current plan is defMON is being rewritten from scratch (I currently host defMON's doku at

ktamas77 commented 1 year ago

I have built an open source MIDI interface that uses the user port, for precisely this reason (so I can leave my u2+ installed): (there is SID Wizard and Station64 support, including a high performance MIDI clock following mode).

Ironically, while the author of defMON gave me the idea for this interface, defMON does not yet support it (but I believe the current plan is defMON is being rewritten from scratch (I currently host defMON's doku at

wow thank you so much!