GideonZ / 1541ultimate

Official GIT archive of 1541 ultimate II sources
GNU General Public License v3.0
178 stars 45 forks source link


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Xilinx made a complete mess out of their Microblaze compiler and support libraries in some of the ISE versions.

==> You may compile the sources using ISE 13, with the built-in SDK. This works! ==> Compiling the sources using the SDK 2018.2 is possible by adding the -mcpu=v5.00.0 flag to the compiler. This enables the use of PCMPEQ and PCMPNE instructions, which effectively fixes the branch delay swap issue. These instructions were added to the Microblaze core on Feb 23, 2019.

In retrospect, the Microblaze compiler has issues emitting correct code when the processor is crippled; i.e. when it does not have a barrel shifter, nor a multiplier, nor pattern compare instructions. Once either the barrel shifter or the pattern compare instructions are enabled, the emitted code seems to be correct.

Environment variables

In order for the build to work, you must have an "" file, with the environment variable ISE_LOCATIONS_FILE_PATH pointing to it. For instance, use:

export ISE_LOCATIONS_FILE_PATH="/home/yourhomedir/"

In this file, you need to set the location of your Xilinx ISE toolchain.

Building targets

ALL targets can be built by just typing 'make' in the root of the repository.

In order to build for U2 only, use the 'u2' target in the top level makefile. This will build the FPGAs as well as the microblaze software, including all updaters. If you want the RiscV variants for the U2, run the 'u2_rv' make target.

In order to build for U2+, use the 'u2plus' target. This will build the FPGAs as well as the NiosII software.

If you have already built the FPGAs, and only wish to update the software running on it, you can use the target 'niosapps'. This target will only succeed if you have already successfully built the FPGAs.

For the U2+L, you can build the 'u2pl' target.

The U64 firmware can be built by typing 'make u64'.

==> When using the top level makefile, the results are copied into the root of the project.


If you are running into library issues, it may very well be that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable it set and points to Xilinx or Altera system libraries that are incompatible with your Linux distribution. Usually, clearing this variable will solve the problems. For this reason, I do not run the configuration settings shell file for Quartus, but I have included this in my .bashrc:

export QSYS_ROOTDIR="/opt/altera_lite/18.1/quartus/sopc_builder/bin" export ALTERAOCLSDKROOT="/opt/altera_lite/18.1/hld" export QUARTUS_ROOTDIR="/opt/altera_lite/18.1/quartus" export PATH=$PATH:$QUARTUS_ROOTDIR/ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/altera_lite/18.1/quartus/bin export PATH=$PATH:/opt/altera_lite/18.1/nios2eds/bin export PATH=$PATH:/opt/altera_lite/18.1/nios2eds/sdk2/bin export PATH=$PATH:/opt/altera_lite/18.1/nios2eds/bin/gnu/H-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin export PATH=$PATH:/opt/altera_lite/18.1/quartus/sopc_builder/bin

Additional issues

1) Some users report Nios Build Tools for Eclipse fails to load. If this occurs, try adding this line to you .bashrc file: export SWT_GTK3=0

2) Ubuntu users may need to install an older deprecated version of libpng for Quartus 18.1 to open. Unfortunately this is difficult to find online. Below is a reliable source as of this writing:

wget -q -O /tmp/libpng12.deb \

&& dpkg -i /tmp/libpng12.deb \ && rm /tmp/libpng12.deb