GiggleLiu / nilangpaper

The paper for reversible differential programming
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Reversible AD paper

Compile latex files

$ latexmk -pdf invc.tex

Run benchmarks


$ cd benchmarks
$ julia --project run_benchmark.jl --adbench-folder path/to/ADBench GMM
$ julia --project run_benchmark.jl --adbench-folder path/to/ADBench BA
$ julia --project run_benchmark.jl Bessel
$ julia --project run_benchmark.jl GE

Benchmarks with --adbench-folder option requires cloning ADBench.

To run the Tapenade benchmark for Bessel function, one should have a gfortran compiler. The benchmark can be execute by typing

$ cd benchmarks/bessel
$ make
$ ./main.out

Source codes used in this paper