Gilligan128 / FreeMethodist.BibleQuizTracker

Bible Quiz tournament and score tracker
MIT License
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Bible Quiz tournament and score tracker. This application can let quizmasters,scorekeeprs and quizzers quiz from wherever they are! Uses the rules for Free Methodist Bible Quizzing.

Getting Started


User Secrets

You need to setup the following user secrets (or environment variables)

Tech Stack

The tech stack is based around functional programming paradigms and the Model-View-Update (MVU) architecture.


This project is written in F# in order to minimize errors and boilerplate code.


This project uses the Blazor framework (serverside) in order to write.

Why serverside Blazor?

There are a few reasons why we chose serverside Blazor instead of Clientside WebAssembly:

  1. we don't need to scale heavily
  2. We don't anticipate a lot of heavy load needing to be offset onto the client.
  3. we can directly invoke our business logic, skipping the whole api web backend "middleman"
  4. It is trivial to change to clientside if we need the scaling.


This project uses the Bolero framework (serverside) in order to make easier writing Blazor in F#, as well as to leverage MVU.


This is both the functional and technical roadmap.

Functional Roadmap

Overall theme here is "do what it takes to get accurate, visible, and persistent scores, then do the rest"

Technical Roadmap

This is more about the technical challenges we are likely to encounter, and setting up architecture to solve them.


Application url:

The application is deployed to this Azure Subscription


We intend to automate:


Some links, to be organized later:

Testing and dependency management:

Following the Workflows - Pipelines pattern here:

We are also following the "external message" pattern to dispatch updates to parent components, guided by this article.

We are applying Capability design for actions, so that we have a consistent model for enabling/disabling actions and potentially dealing with user auth.

Project Structure

F# only supports unidirectional dependencies, in file location order.

All dependencies point inward.

Practicing Domain-driven Design, all pipelines depend on Workflow files, which are either interfaces or public types. For each workflow, there is likely a [workflow name].Workflow.fs followed by a [workflow name].pipelines.fs.

Example: 'Common.Pages.fs' can depend on 'Common.pipeline.fs', which in turn can depend on 'Common.Workflow.fs' but not vice versa.

Common stuff

Anything labeled "common" depends on nothing else within its 'circle' of the code and should be the first file of its section. Circles meaning: "Workflow" and "Pipeline" for backend, "Pages/Components" for frontend.

Example: 'Common.Pipeline.fs' cannot depend upon 'OverrideTeamScore.Pipeline.fs' but CAN depend on 'OverrideTeamScore.Worfklow.fs'

Main stuff

In the reverse of "common", "main" files can depend on any other file of its circle but nothing else in that layer should depend on it.

Example: 'Main.Pipeline.fs' can depend on 'OverrideTeamScore.pipeline.fs' but not vice versa. It CAN depend on 'Main.Workflow.fs' as "all dependencies point inward"