GirafiStudios / PassthroughSigns

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Passthrough Signs

Simple mod that, right-clicking on a wall sign, interacts with the block it's attached to.

Example: Right-clicking on a sign attached to a chest will open the chest

Download on CurseForge

How to get Passthrough Signs through maven

Add to your build.gradle:

repositories {
  maven {
    // url of the maven that hosts Passthrough Signs files
    url ""

dependencies {
  // compile against Passthrough Signs
  deobfCompile "com.girafi.passthroughsigns:passthroughsigns_${mc_version}:${mc_version}-${passthroughsigns_version}"

${mc_version} & ${passthroughsigns_version} can be found here, check the file name of the version you want.

Passthrough Signs also have intermod communicaiton, example of how to use it: FMLInterModComms.sendMessage("passthroughsigns", "registerPassable", "block/entity registry name");