GitBrincie212 / Apel-Mod

Apel is a library that brings particle animations to the table with flexible behaviour and a clean developer interface. It promises also lots of predefined shapes & paths to help the developer on their particle scene
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animated fabric-mod fabricmc fabricmc-mod java library minecraft minecraft-mod particle particles server-side


Animative Particle Engine Library, also known as Apel is a fully featured minecraft library mod that promises to bring a fully featured particle animation engine that has never been seen before. It comes bundled with many predefined shapes and has huge capabilities; its goal is to provide the developer huge flexibility and allow to easily maintain complex scenes with high performance. All without the need of knowing complex mathematics (such as linear algebra, although a basic grasp is recommended)


cone 1 cone 2


This section is for the developers, for any normal people. Its as simple as downloading the mod and adding the jar file(not the sources) to your mods folder. For developers it has a bit more steps but its generally easy as well

  1. Under the file. Add this line:
  2. On build.gradle file, under the repositery. Add these lines if you haven't installed any other dependency mods from modrinth:
    repositories {
    // ...
      maven {
          url = ""
  3. On the same build.gradle file, finally we add these lines under the dependencies:
    dependencies {
      // ...
      modImplementation "maven.modrinth:apel:${project.apel_version}"
      // ...
  4. Refresh gradle(in Intelleji IDEA, its pressing the gradle icon with a rotate sub-icon)
  5. Try to either type Apel and let your IDE autocomplete it, or import net.mcbrincie.apel.Apel. If all steps are done everything should work as expected

Key Features

Getting Started

The first obvious thing is to create an ParticleObject, pick your desired object to create and supply the params, the second thing is creating the path animator object to use which will describe the motion of that object. And finally use on the animator the beginAnimation and supply it with ApelRenderer.create(world) where world is the server world, now it should play entire animation!

Credits & Contributions

This project is founded & led by McBrincie212, contributions are welcome as long as they don't do anything shady such as embedding malware, doing inappropriate things... After all, the project is meant to be improved & expanded upon with new ideas, new systems and more stuff that boost productivity and enhance the work experience