GitMurf / obsidian-drag-and-drop-blocks

Drag and Drop blocks to move, copy and create block references.
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IMPORTANT NOTE - As of September 2022 this plugin is Deprecated and no longer under Development

See details here:

Drag and Drop Blocks plugin Overview

This is a plugin for Obsidian (

Drag and Drop Blocks for actions such as moving and copying blocks, as well as creating block references by dragging.

*Note: Anywhere the term "block" is referenced it is synonymous with a "line" of text, a bullet in a list, a Header section, or a Markdown "block" of text.



How to use


Need to add a demo here...



Need to add some details and use cases here

General Obsidian Documentation

Manually installing the plugin

API Documentation


Test one

test two

skip to number 4

this is 3

4 again back down

back to 2

another 2

and one again

two again