Givdo / givdo_api_server

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Givdo API Server CircleCI

Getting Started

1) Make sure you have the following dependencies installed

2) After installing all dependencies, clone the repository

$ git clone && cd givdo_api_server

3) From project root run the following commands to install bundle packages and create development database

$ bundle install
$ bin/rake db:setup

4) Seed your database, cache organizations from Facebook and create an admin account with

$ bin/rake db:seed
$ bin/rake givdo:organizations:cache
$ bin/rake "givdo:admin:create['USER_EMAIL', 'USER_PASSWORD']"

Where 'USER_EMAIL' and 'USER_PASSWORD' are the email and password you wish to record.

5) Start development server with

$ bin/rails s -b

Happy coding!

Running the tests

We use RSpec to exercise Givdo's API endpoints. To run all the specs, run:

$ rspec

This will ensure to run the specs in the most reliable, consistent and fast way.

Browsable API documentation

Documentation is incomplete and outdated

Givdo's API documentation is accessible, in development, at http://localhost:3000/api/docs. Documentation generated from acceptance specs at spec/acceptance and includes details and simple usage examples.

At any time run the following command to (re)generate the documentation

$ bin/rake docs:generate

Check spec/acceptance for implementation details.

Tools and Guides