GiveToken / GiftBox

Repository for Sizzle
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Set Up

PHP 7 is required and can be found here.

Fork this repo and clone it to /Library/Webserver/Documents/ or your favorite location.

Composer is the PHP package manager. Once you have it in installed, cd to the project directory and run

composer install

which will create everything you need in the untracked vendor directory.

npm is used for the build process and ships with Node.js. Make sure to grab the "current" version of Node.js rather than the LTS one, because the latter doesn't support ES6. Once you have it in installed, cd to the project directory and run

npm install

Fork Bacon and add it to your src directory:

cd src
git clone<your username>/Bacon.git

Download and install MySQL workbench. To create a local instance of the giftbox database, use MySQL Workbench's Schema Transfer Wizard with the development credentials you were provided.

From the project root directory,

cp config/credentials.php.example config/credentials.php

filling in the credentials with whatever your choices are for local development.

To set up apache, update /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf to include

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName gosizzle.local
    ServerAlias *.gosizzle.local
    DocumentRoot "/Library/Webserver/Documents/GiftBox/public"

    <Directory "/Library/Webserver/Documents/GiftBox/public">
        Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted

    # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
    # alert, emerg.
    LogLevel warn

and restart Apache. If you've never set up Apache vhosts before, read this and also uncomment the rewrite module in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf.

Then modify /etc/hosts to include       gosizzle.local       api.gosizzle.local

Build Script

The build script ( runs unit tests, warns you of any untracked or uncommited files, minifies JavaScript & CSS, and Polybuilds the token. The full set of options is available in the help menu

./ -h

Inessentials - you may not need to do these

If you'll be testing AWS, you'll need to create ~/.aws/credentials and enter the following:

aws_access_key_id = AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
aws_secret_access_key = AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

with your specific credentials.

Bower is a package manager used to bring in Polymer components. Once you have it in installed, cd to the project directory and run

bower install

which will create everything you need in the untracked components directory. If there are console errors regarding permissions and access to certain files, run sudo bower --allow-root install instead.

Setting up the Python scraper

Install Python 3.4.4

Python 3.4.4 (v3.4.4:737efcadf5a6, Dec 19 2015, 20:38:52)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Run the setup script

source venv/bin/activate


  1. Create branches off of develop (except hotfixes, create those off of master) using the following convention:
    • feature, bug, or hotfix
    • feature is new functionality
    • bug is unexpected behavior in exisiting functionality
    • hotfix is a bug of the highest priority-- e.g. the site is down or Give Token is leaking sensitive data.
    • Exmples:
      • bug/37-icons-broken-in-ie
      • feature/236-user-can-add-avatar
      • hotfix/76-repair-payment-gateway
    • Forward slash
    • The GH issue number
    • dashes, never underscores
    • A meaningful and short description of the branch, generally related to the title of the GH issue
  2. Commit messages reference the issue number
    and describe some combination of what was done, where it was done, and why.
  3. All code gets merged into develop & master via pull request (PR) after approval by the project lead.

Github has a great reference for handling merge conflicts here.


Presuming you have set up Composer, then PHPUnit will be available in your /vendor/bin directory. You'll need to setup your local parameters by

cp src/Tests/local.php.example src/Tests/local.php

and making any necessary changes to local.php. To run all the tests, just reference the configuration file:

phpunit --bootstrap src/tests/autoload.php -c tests.xml

To also investigate the code coverage of the tests, you'll need the Xdebug PHP extension. Make sure you put any unit tests in the src/tests directory and name them like MyAwesomeTest.php.

For JavaScript testing, run the following command

npm run test


Any push to the GiveToken develop is automagically pulled onto the staging server except during the QA period for new releases.

For production deployment, log into the webserver and

git branch YYYYMMDD.backup
git pull origin master
composer install

as well as make any database changes required for the release.

Frontend Direction

NB: Here below is a work in progress

Directory structure

Javascript source exists in /js. Third party files that are not loaded by one of our package managers for whatever reason should be dropped into js/vendor. This can be considered a big "do not manipulate these files" alert. Project tasks and task configuration lives in /js/gulp.

The Application Object

/js/Sizzle.js is the base Application object and namespace. All other functionality hangs off this parent object.


In addition to standard DOM events, Sizzle will emit the following events on document:


Components are self-contained pieces of functionality that manipulate the DOM or generate events. A good example is a custom input field, or a modal system.


Controllers are generally 1 per page, and are responsible for configuring Components on any given page. Easiest way to create one of these is to use the factory method Sizzle.Controllers.create(id, callback);. It will ensure that your callback is not called unless an element with the provided id is on the page at bootstrap.

Configuring The Build Process

There are several build configurations in /js/gulp/config.js. Each one of these has four sections of files:

The build process concatenates all scripts and style together (vendor first), respectively, then compresses them and writes them to public/{type}/dist.

As a second pass, anything in config.minify_and_migrate is minified without concatenation then moved to public/{type}.

It is a goal of this project to get anything in the minify_and_migrate list into one of the appropriate builds.

Never manipulate the public directory files directly. These are your build files. If changes need to be made to a particular file, they should be done in the source files and then rebuild. Keeping this organized appropriately will ensure that front end code is easily traversable and scripts are generally easily identifiable.

A matter of style




New css (and refactored legacy css) should follow BEM syntax (Block - Element - Modifier).

This is a neat way to organize your classes so that your styles are portable, you have shallow specificity, and styles are easy to read and apply.

As a convention, at the top of each file should be a BEM map, that lays out all of the possible class variations for this particular block. It would look something like this:

//  .Button
//    --disabled
//    --small
//    __label
//    __icon

In this example .Button is our block, but we can see that a button can have a .Button__label and a .Button__icon. It can also have the modifier classes .Button--disabled or .Button--small.

Refactoring Legacy Code