Glacier150 / Blockfall

This is a simple game about falling blocks that takes very loose inspiration from James Bond.
MIT License
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This is a simple game about collecting blue falling blocks and avoiding dangerous red blocks.

My goal for creating this game was to give myself a project to both test and grow my abilities as a programmer. I don't know what it is about making games, but I, along with clearly so many others, feel naturally inclined to putting pixels on the screen and making them interact. This project has given me loads of intrinsic motivation to learn more and hone this craft.

I wrote this in Python using the PyGame module to be as rookie-friendly as possible to myself. One day I plan on graduating to some other languages, ideally something compiled so that I can properly share it, but that's for another day. PyGame may be the most common thing to think of when talking about creating your first game, but you have to start somewhere.


Because this is a Python project, you'll have to have downloaded Python on your computer from the Official Python Website. I'll work on learning how to make a virtual environment to run it, but that's currently beyond me.


Once you boot up the game, the only controls so far are the up and down arrow keys to move the select cursor, the spacebar to select an option or respawn, and the left or right arrow keys to move your block once in the game.


I followed a wonderfully made (and lengthy) tutorial on YouTube posted by Clear Code. Here's the link if you want to check it out:

The ultimate introduction to Pygame


Blockfall is licensed under the MIT License.


