Glavo / MaterialFX-Java8

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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MaterialFX Java 8

This repository merges MaterialFX and VirtualizedFX, port them for compatibility with Java 8.

This is the version it is based on:

I have provided a multi release jar as an adapter to make it compatible with both JavaFX 8 and JavaFX 9+, So it is compatible with Java 8 or later. However, it currently has some known issues when it runs on Java 8, see the issue list.





dependencies {


While I've barely modified the API when porting, this has one exception: Since PopupWindow in JavaFX 8 contains a ObservableList<Node> getContent() method, which conflicts with the getContent method signature in MFXPopup, I had to rename the MFXPopup::contentProperty() to contentNodeProperty, and renamed the relevant getter/setter methods.