GlenKPeterson / Paguro

Generic, Null-safe, Immutable Collections and Functional Transformations for the JVM
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clojure functional-transformations immutability immutable-collections java jvm kotlin null-safety persistentvector rrb-tree stream transformations

Hermit Crab

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Why Use Paguro?

Paguro is designed to:

  1. Make Functional Programming simpler and easier in Java.
  2. Decrease the number of things you need to think about when coding.

Removing distractions leaves you more energy for creativity and problem-solving. Paguro lets you forget about:

Kotlin fixes almost all these issues too, but if you're stuck in Java, Paguro is a great solution.

What's in Paguro?

Type-safe, null-safe versions of Clojure's immutable/persistent collections, an immutable alternative to Java 8 Streams that handles checked exceptions in lambdas, and other tools to make functional programming in Java easier.

Why is it called Paguro?

Paguro is short for the Latin "Paguroidea" - the name of the Hermit Crab superfamily in Biology. These collections grow by adding a new shell, leaving the insides the same, much the way Hermit Crabs trade up to a new shell when they grow.

Specific Features


Usage examples are implemented as unit tests to ensure that they remain correct and current.

What's the Most-Practical/Most-Used Part?

Getting Started


You are on the Paguro Classic, or main branch of this project. If you work with pure Java, or a mix of Java and Kotlin files, this is your branch. I'm not sure the pure-Kotlin branch will ever be released. Plain Java with @NotNull annotations gets you most of the way there, with almost no dependencies.


RrbTree.join() seems to work now

RrbTree is still a new class, but as of 3.7.2, there are no known bugs. Fingers crossed!

Check the Change Log for details of recent changes.


Q: Why are you doing this?

It started with a Software Engineering Stack Exchange question: Why doesn't Java provide immutable collections?

Q: How does this compare to PCollections?

Paguro is based on Clojure, is faster, and has additional features

Q: Do these Transforms create intermediate collections between each operation (like the Scala collections)?


Q: How does this compare to Streams and lambda expressions in JDK8?


Q: Why Java instead of another/better JVM language?

Why Java? That said, this could become a Kotlin-based project.


Java™ is a registered trademark of the Oracle Corporation in the US and other countries. Paguro is not part of Java. Oracle is in no way affiliated with the Paguro project.

Paguro is not part of Clojure. Rich Hickey and the Clojure team are in no way affiliated with the Paguro project, though it borrows heavily from their thoughts and is partly a derivative work of their open-source code.

The Clojure collections are licensed under the Eclipse Public License. Versions of them have been included in this project and modified to add type safety and implement different interfaces. These files are still derivative works under the EPL.

Unless otherwise stated, the rest of this work may be licensed under EITHER the Eclipse 1.0 or the Apache 2.0. You get to choose! New contributions should be made under both licenses whenever practical. I believe Apache is more popular, clearer, and has been better tested in courts of law.

Hermit Crab Photo by Rushen


Questions? Ideas? Feedback? Use the Google Group Email List. Clear bugs or simple pull requests can be made on Github without discussing them first on the email list.

If you submit a patch, please:

Build from Source

The pre-built jar file is the easiest way to use Paguro. Users typically only build Paguro from source to make a contribution, or to experiment with the source code.


Paguro is usually built on Ubuntu 18.04 and later with openjdk-11, git, and maven installed from the official repositories. Being Java it should theoretically build with JDK 11+ on any system.

Environment Variables

Depending on how you installed Java and Maven, you may need to set some of the following in your ~/.profile file and reboot (or source that file like . ~/.profile from the command line you will use for the build). Or do whatever Windows does. If your tools are installed in different directories, you will have to fix the following:

export JDK_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64
export JAVA_HOME=$JDK_HOME/jre
export M2_HOME=$TOOLS/apache-maven-3.3.9/
export M2="$M2_HOME"bin
export PATH=$PATH:$M2
# Start in an appropriate directory

# You need TestUtils for Paguro's equality testing.
# The first time you build, get a local copy of that and Paguro
git clone

# Build Paguro:
cd Paguro
git pull
mvn clean install


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