Glimesh / janus-ftl-orchestrator

A service used to manage multiple instances of janus-ftl-plugin for use at scale.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Janus FTL Orchestrator

This is a work-in-progress service meant to manage multiple instances of Janus running the Janus FTL Plugin.

By orchestrating many Janus instances with this service, load from ingest and viewers can be distributed and greater scale can be achieved.

These are early days, so we're still in the process of standing up the architecture and establishing basic connections.


Please see


These are available in Ubuntu's package repos:


meson build/
ninja -C build/


After building, you can fire up janus-ftl-orchestrator and connect to it with a pre-shared key using an openssl test client utility.



OpenSSL Test Client

This command provides the default pre-shared key with the -psk flag. If you decide to set your own PSK with the FTL_ORCHESTRATOR_PSK env var, just provide the same one here.

openssl s_client -connect -psk 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f -tls1_3 -ciphersuites TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256

After you connect, you can send arbitrary ASCII messages and see them reflected on the server. To gracefully disconnect, just type Q followed by a line break.


Configuration is achieved through environment variables.

Environment Variable Supported Values Notes
FTL_ORCHESTRATOR_PSK String of arbitrary hex values (ex. 001122334455ff) This is the pre-shared key used to establish a secure TLS1.3 connection.


docker build -t ftl-orchestrator
docker run --rm --env FTL_ORCHESTRATOR_PSK=001122334455ff ftl-orchestrator


Tests are written with the help of Catch2 and are located in the test/ directory. They are built into the janus-ftl-orchestrator-test binary.
