Glitchfinder / EnderSpawn

A bukkit plugin that manages Enderdragons in The End.
GNU General Public License v3.0
5 stars 3 forks source link

== EnderSpawn == [[|Download]] | [[|Source]] | [[|Issue Tracker]] | [[|Default Config]]

Enderspawn is a simple idea, with a fully fleshed out implementation. What if you want your players to battle the Ender Dragon more than once, without having to use a command to spawn them, and without having to regenerate the whole world? What if you don't want the Ender Dragon to litter or destroy the world that created it? What if you wanted a fairer experience distribution system, one that allows for all players to earn the experience if they were close enough to kill it?

If those are things you've wanted, then this is the plugin for you! It allows for all of this, as well as significantly more!

=== Features ===

=== Commands === |= Command |= Alias |= Description | | /enderspawn reload | /es reload | Reloads the configuration.| | /enderspawn ban [player] [reason] | /es ban [player] [reason] | Bans a player from receiving experience from the enderdragon.| | /enderspawn unban [player] | /es unban [player] | Allows a player banned from receiving experience from the enderdragon to get it again.| | /enderspawn lookup [player] | /es lookup [player] | Allows a player to lookup ban statuses for the plugin.| | /enderspawn status | /es status | Allows a player to lookup their experience status for the plugin.| | /enderspawn reset [player] | /es reset [player] | Allows a player to reset experience cooldowns.|

=== Permissions === |= Permission Node |= Effect | | enderspawn.* | Access to everything related to the EnderSpawn plugin.| | enderspawn.admin | Access to everything related to the EnderSpawn plugin.| | enderspawn.ban | Access to the /enderspawn ban and /enderspawn unban commands.| | enderspawn.reload | Access to the /enderspawn reload command.| | enderspawn.lookup | Access to the /enderspawn lookup command.| | enderspawn.status | Access to the /enderspawn status command.| | enderspawn.status.other | Access to the /enderspawn status command, to look up other players.| | enderspawn.exp | Access to the experience dropped by the EnderDragon.| | enderspawn.unlimitedexp | Access to the experience dropped by the EnderDragon, without the cooldown.| | enderspawn.reset | Access to the /enderspawn reset command.|