GlobalFishingWatch / gpsdio

AIS I/O with Python, dictionaries, and the GPSd AIVDM schema.
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====== gpsdio

AIS I/O with Python, dictionaries, and the GPSd AIVDM <>_ schema.

.. image:: :target:

.. image:: :target:

This project is still evolving but will calm down once it hits v0.1. We would love to hear from you're using, or would like to use, this project, both so we don't make any unexpected changes, and to get outside opinions on AIS processing.


Vessels use a ship-to-ship Automated Identification System (AIS) to avoid collisions by broadcasting information about who they are, where they are, and what they are doing. These messages are broadcast as NMEA 0183 <>_ or NMEA 2000 <>_ sentences and are constantly being collected by terrestrial and satellite receivers.

NMEA is very large and difficult to work with natively, so the solution is to parse it and store as another format. Rather than spend time developing our own schema we chose to adopt the GPSd AIVDM <>_ schema, which clearly defines all message types. Messages map well to Python dictionaries due to how fields vary type-to-type, so that's what gpsdio uses.

This project aims to make AIS data easier to work with by providing I/O and a small set of useful transforms, and was built with large-scale data processing pipelines in mind.

Example I/O

Here's a small example of how to read data stored as newline delimited JSON <>, add a field, and write as GZIP compressed MsgPack <>. The driver and compression are explicitly given but can also be detected from the file path. For more information on what returns, see the section on messages <README.rst#Messages>_.

.. code-block:: python

import gpsdio

with'tests/data/types.json') as src:
    with'with-num-fields.msg.gz', 'w', driver='MsgPack', compression='GZIP') as dst:
        for msg in src:

Parsing NMEA Sentences

gpsdio does not yet support reading NMEA directly, although it will hopefully in the near future. In the meantime, libais <>_ has an aisdecode utility with an optional --gpsd format that produces data readable by this library.

Commandline Interface

This project also offers a gpsdio commandline utility for common tasks like inspecting and transforming data. See the CLI docs <docs/CLI.rst>_ for more information.


NOTE: Message validation and transformation has not quite settled and will change for v0.1. The description below is currently mostly relevant, although some fields may be placed into an __invalid__ key on read or write. returns a file-like object called Stream() that is responsible for taking a dictionary from the underlying driver and transforming it into a well formed message.

Normally I/O libraries perform some strict validation while reading and before writing data, but working with AIS usually involves adding some custom fields. Rather than telling what additional fields it may encounter every time a file is opened, message validation only happens when requested. This may seem backwards, but the idea is that validation really only needs to happen as data parsed and brought into the gpsdio world. After that the user knows far more about their data and is likely adding additional fields during processing.

See tests/data <>_ for some data gpsdio can immediately read and write.

CLI Plugins

Developers can create their own gpsdio commands with click-plugins. gpsdio loads plugins from a setuptools entry point <>_ called gpsdio.cli_plugins, so in your

.. code-block:: python


For a more in-depth description see the click-plugins <> documentation. Additionally, see gpsdio-density <> for an example, or one of the other plugins listed in the plugin registry <>_.

Driver Plugins

External drivers should be registered to the entry-point gpsdio.driver_plugins and must subclass gpsdio.base.BaseDriver or gpsdio.base.BaseCompressionDriver. See the docstrings on those two objects for subclassing information.



We will have reached v0.1 and can confidently share this project with others. To do that, we need to support the syntax below. The schema building is a little rough, but the assumption is that users only need to do this to being non-GPSd data into gpsdio, which they should only need to do once. We will make this easier in the near future with a gpsdio-nmea-driver. Either way, there need to be some functions to assemble the schema. This example brings points with limited information into the GPSd schema:

.. code-block:: python

import gpsdio
from gpsdio.schema import build_schema

# Define which fields we will see for each type
fields_by_type = {
    1: ('mmsi', 'lat', 'lon', 'course', 'speed', 'shipname')
fields_by_type[2] = fields_by_type[1]
fields_by_type[3] = fields_by_type[1]
fields = {
    'type': int,
    'mmsi': int,
    'lat': float,
    'lon': float,
    'course': float,
    'speed': float,
    'shipname': str
schema = build_schema(fields_by_type, fields)

with'infile.json', schema=schema) as src,'outfile.json', 'w') as dst:
    for msg in src:

        # Fill in fields not included in the message to match the destination schema
        msg = dst.fill_msg(msg)

        # Write to output file



With pip:

.. code-block:: console

$ pip install gpsdio

From source:

.. code-block:: console

$ git clone
$ cd gpsdio
$ python install


.. code-block:: console

$ git clone
$ cd gpsdio
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -e .[dev]
$ py.test tests --cov gpsdio --cov-report term-missing


